Sorry for being late on my 10 year.

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Well-known member
May 31, 2010
kansas city, mo
Hi everyone,
There are those who may remember me, I was here 11 years ago, preparing for surgery under the name Caroline. Ah! Yeah, the one who had problems with a dumb blonde dentist, who caused me to have chf for waiting for so long. Well, the years have passed, left to clear credit card debt and came back. It has been 10 wonderful years and I am still here, alive and misplaced at work, but still here, none the less. LOL! I had many friends, some are still here, some have gone, but I have come home and will keep hanging here to help and get help. I am doing fine and hoping to get a job offere soon, still drawing a paycheck and have insurance, just lucky chance with that. I will keep everyone in touch when I do get either a job offer or severance package and I would then apply for disability, would be hard to fmla in the private sector with less than 50 employees. And it is hard to get a office job these days. I am hanging in there and will keep you all posted, just happy I made it 10 YEARS!!!! Hugs for every one today.:biggrin2:
Hi, Caroline, and Happy 10!

My wife and I just came back (couple of weeks ago) from a long weekend in KCMO. It is a wonderful city, and I finally got her to drive out there with me. We had been there for business, but always flew. This time, with a car, we were able to visit a few stores to buy a couple of cases of our favorite BBQ sauces. Yum!

Good luck on the job hunt. Things are slow everywhere, but there are some jobs. In many cases, jobs are going unfilled for lack of experienced and skilled applicants. Maybe you're one of those!
hi caroline! i was one of those here preparing for joey's surgery too at that time. today is his 10 yr. rp anniversary!!!
how sweet life can be, right?
so glad to be celebrating life along with so many others of you.
stay well all,