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Blanche said:
I'm sure this becomes a hard issue for support boards like this one because there are no really good ways to differentiate between posers and people who are just dingbats when under stress. When in fear for my loved ones, I have been known to come across as a total loon....also happens after a little too much wine. It's also important to note that we here deal with people who have other serious problems, including attention deficit disorder, bi-polar disorder, and other depressive diseases. When you combine that with heart problems, especially heart problems with loved ones, who can judge the accuracy of their posts. It's also human nature to embelish a little...

I am mindful of this past summer's episode, which caused me no end of tears. Many of my valvereplacement pals thought I was harrasing a fragile young women, who turned out to be a figment of a sick troll's imagination. Yet, I would still say that the very purpose of this board would dictate that we err on the side of generosity.

There are many people who live unstable, chaotic, dramatic lives. I would rather have my heart broken by someone who won my confidence and turned out to be a fake, that to refuse to help another who just might be an imposter looking for attention or trouble.

Kind regards,

You stated my thoughts better than I did, so I'll quote you, and say, "ditto."
I have been a member here for a long time and there have been some posts that just grabbed me as wrong. I reported my suspicions to our erstwhile leaders who followed up. Ross and Hank are taking very good care of this site. They don't jump to conclusions quickly, but they get it figured out and then take action if necessary.

Some of you may recall that early morning when us early risers found a really awful post - emergency steps were taken THAT MORNING and very quickly.

Vigilance - vigilance.
Ross, that's a very thoughtfully written article, and timely I think.

It's testament to all the wonderful members here that as a group we are able to offer all the newbies the support and help they need when they first arrive here, but are also usually able to sniff out the "suspect" ones and despatch them speedily before they can do any lasting damage. We've probably all been sucked in at some point (I know I did last summer) but as the author of the article said, it's important to be able to balance our keenness to help others with a little circumspection.

Thanks Hank and Ross for keeping this fabulous site a place where we can discuss this kind of thing without descending into chaos :) .

Nancy said:
This is not the only site beset with trolls. For some odd reason, the medical help boards are prime targets for them. I guess because there are many caring folks who populate those boards, and want to help, so they are an easy target.

Sadly, this is so true. It happens on the CHD parents lists also. We had one person, a few years ago, posting that their baby was in Ann Arbor and Dr. Bove had just *saved* her. She went on to whine about sleeping on floors, not eating, etc... Several parents rushed to help her. The odd thing? I was there in the hospital with Matt. (He had the Konna and aortic valve replacement) Anyways, she or he, whoever it was, was not there and the staff never heard of this family.....

Just this past Decemeber, another person came on to the Angleman support list (my 23 yr old daughter is Angelman Syndrome) This family claimed to be in Katrina's path and was devasted by it. Families sent diapers, clothes, toys, gift certificates, whatever they thought would help. We have a *Ross* there and sadly?? Yes, she had an AS child, but was not affected by the hurricane!

It is just so sad that people do this for attention or means of support.... It makes one wary of helping the next person that might really need it.
Hensylee, I remember that early morning post. It was horrible. Thankfully, not too many saw it. I also reported it. It was history before the sun came up in many places.
Nancy said:
Hensylee, I remember that early morning post. It was horrible. Thankfully, not too many saw it. I also reported it. It was history before the sun came up in many places.
Ah yes, the attack of the web bots. I remember it well. That is one image that will forever haunt my memory.


I don't have much new to say, but thank you Ross for your diligence, and the courage to take the heat now & then. In my humble opinion, the very existence of the site depends on someone having the authority & courage to make a hard call now & then.


People pretending to have been devastated by Katrina were very plentiful here (New Orleans) for a while. People gave fake addresses to get money from FEMA, Red Cross, various charities. Others are taking advantage of people hit by the hurricane by taking money and offering services they cannot provide. Others are charging 3 times the price for repairs. Most of the people being taken advantage off are older people who are more trusting.. It is so sad.
I too am so saddened by people who actually purpose to wreck havoc and play games with the emotions of board members. I know I have been totally deceived in times past and I think once just recently as well.

The good thing is that they seem to tire of the game and the longer someone plays the ruse little details do slip out and before long a cloud of suspicion forms. Too often though damage has already been done.

I'm so glad that Ross and Hank do care and we have lots of members who don't automatically believe everything posted. It may sound cynical but it is helpful and necessary.

It was a very good article, Ross. Thanks
I'm just appalled to find out this is so common. How pathetic! I've heard of Muchausen Syndrome and it always made me angry to think these people were taking away doctors and nurses that could be helping someone who really needed it...I had no idea it had moved on to the internet also....sad.

I agree with the others...thanks Hank and Ross!

I was thinking, there are a few online groups that try to make life alittle nicer for kids w/ medical problems, so they get cards, small gifts ect. most of them require a doctors note, just because of all the fakes. One person last year actually made a doctors note on their computer so it looked like hospital stationary. I couldn't believe people would put somuch effort into pretending to have a sick child. The owner of the site, felt awful that she had been decieved, but she really thought since they required doctors notes they would be keeping out the frauds, Lyn
We owe Ross and Hank a huge THANKYOU for taking care of us and watching out for the non-genuine caases...

Its an unenviable job that you guys do

There are some sick and lonely people out there...and I dont mean unhealthy

You wouldnt believe all the dramas that this gal I dealt with supposedly endured...and the longer it went on the more ridiculous her claims became...she had every excuse in the book too...shame she forgot I had the records of our IM conversations where she contradicted herself daily...

it was laughable that she thought I believed her
I moderate a very small forum, not many members, very locked down type, and yet even then we get ppl trying so hard to get in, Ross IMO does everyone here very well.
He is diligent, always watching, and I would trust him, no matter what.Love the pup
Something sad my wife sent me

Something sad my wife sent me

She has dealt with a few cases and sent me this sad article:

The two points I take away from these article is that ANYBODY can be taken in by these perpetrator and that most of them are women who use their own children in their sick "Web of Deceit".
Those of you who saw the movie, "The Sixth Sense", might remember that MSBP was the problem of the mother of the little girl who died in the movie. This is indeed a sad and tragic problem.
Your right!

Your right!

geebee said:
Those of you who saw the movie, "The Sixth Sense", might remember that MSBP was the problem of the mother of the little girl who died in the movie. This is indeed a sad and tragic problem.

I had forgotten. "The Sixth Sense" was a great movie and the only one
I have ever wanted to see again as soon as I left the theater. Too bad it was beat out for best picture by the soft porn movie "American Beauty"
Pitiful!!! Everyway i look at it.........
It's too bad.
Isn't there enough real hurt and sadness to go around in the world...Without people making it up.....Wow!!!.

Smarten up creeps!! Hahahaahhaah!!!

Thanks for the eyeopener.

Before i came on here the only chat i was ever involved with was(is)"msn", with my daughter, a few family members and a few girlfriends...........(of people of whom i know). At first i was kinda weirded out by posting on your forums etc......(new to it)but i soon read on, and saw how ligit it was, and how people seem to genuinely care.........
Now i read this..........I guess my first intuition wasn't too far off............Not that i have found ANYTHING fishy so far.........glad to be informed.

Thanks Ross

Second post on this matter...........

Second post on this matter...........

Geeeez! I didnt read on enough aparently..........i guess it is a sickness, so i take back the negative input. Sorry! Good luck to all with this problem, i hope u can find the help u need.
