Something For All Of Us To Enjoy And Think About

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Dear Ross:

I don't know where you found it, but it is indeed beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


After watching that site you provided I have the following thoughts.

? We seem to take so much for granted these days. We, or at least I, operate with this unexplained need to see the next great thing without appreciating what we have today.

? I know I happen to live in a work environment that is always planning 2-5 years in advance. As a result there is this unexplained rush is to get there, and by the way you are also required to save us money. As a result I speed past all great things that life provides today.

? We also seem to take advantage of our family, because somehow our work is, oh so important. What happened to all those years with the kids??? Where does this whole loyalty issue really belong?

? Is it me or does it seem that the older we get the faster time goes

? Another problem is the more we make, the more we spend and so we end up in this endless achievement cycle. We seem to be planning more for the future rather than enjoying what we have today. Now with the market the way it is, retirement plans are out the window anyway so what was I thinking?

? As I sit here responding to Ross I am thinking, what happened to yesterday? Guess we cannot stop time, soon the 15th of August will be here and I will voluntarily allowing a stranger (the surgeon) to open my chest, cut my heart open and replace my valve. It is still all unreal to me and yet all I can do is hope he is successful, careful and ?good?.

Everyone?s input tells me that more likely or not I will be OK. I just gotta believe.

So Ross thanks for the inspirational site. I needed it.


AVR on 15 Aug
Walter - that was a really thoughtful response.

One comment to you - the older you get the faster time goes by.

In MY world, yesterday was Christmas, tomorrow is your surgery date! And the next day is Christmas again. LOL:D

Thanks, Don't know why but it seems for some reason I can comment and relate feelings on this site that I would normally be reserved or quiet about.

Maybe it's a kinship or some very close kind of understanding that no one else could possibly ever understand.

I think as a group of people we are incredibly brave. I also think sometimes that I am on Monty Hall's show. Is it door number one or door number three?

Walter you may be older then I, but I have to say that it seems we chewed alot of the same dirt and share an awful lot in common.

I was in management right up until my health fell out from under me. I went to work in the dark. I came home in the dark. Pressure that was unbelievable. I feel that I missed a great deal of my kids growing up and even lost a lot of time that I could have and should have spent, with my parents, before they crossed over. I never knew how much of life I was missing until I almost lost my life. That was a very humbling experience to say the least.

I feel that I was really brain washed into thinking that I had to work 12 to 16 hours a day, six and seven days a week. I look back at it now and I'll be the first to tell anyone that works over 50 hours a week to try to find another job. The money isn't nearly as important as your family and your health.

We do take things for granted. That is a given. You'll look at things differently when this is all over, I'm sure.

Does time go faster as we get older? You betcha it does.

I had to go back and see the site again. When I did, I thought it would be appropriate to bump it, so that all of us with upcoming surgeries could look at it and think about what it had to say.