Karlynn- what happened to me
Karlynn- what happened to me
"It also leads me to wonder if CCF may not be too concerned with keeping their personnel current on warfarin information. Understand that I'm not talking doctor by doctor, but as a facility in general."
While there, there were two case where a doctor (not a fellow) and a
resident made an incorrect statement about ACT and had to be corrected by the attending. I don't mean to single out CCF, but when you think of their
#1 ranking, I would hate to see what goes on in other lessor hospitals.
In spite of that, I would go back there tomorrow!
For the record, I recieved no instructions on ACT other than dose and having a INR test in three days after coming home. Perhaps, because they were aware
of my long time successful use, maybe. I would really be interested in other
peoples experiences with discharge notes and ACT instructions- at CCF and other hospitals.
Karlynn- what happened to me
"It also leads me to wonder if CCF may not be too concerned with keeping their personnel current on warfarin information. Understand that I'm not talking doctor by doctor, but as a facility in general."
While there, there were two case where a doctor (not a fellow) and a
resident made an incorrect statement about ACT and had to be corrected by the attending. I don't mean to single out CCF, but when you think of their
#1 ranking, I would hate to see what goes on in other lessor hospitals.
In spite of that, I would go back there tomorrow!
For the record, I recieved no instructions on ACT other than dose and having a INR test in three days after coming home. Perhaps, because they were aware
of my long time successful use, maybe. I would really be interested in other
peoples experiences with discharge notes and ACT instructions- at CCF and other hospitals.