SoCal meeting with Seth

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Active member
Nov 13, 2007
Santa Maria, CA
Spent an afternoon with Seth, Debbie and Mike(Resqrn) in Sierra Madre. Seth was a gracious host and we had a good time sharing stories and experiences from our recent past. Time flies when everyone's having fun sharing. Had plans to watch some sprint car racing that night so our get together was shortened a bit but still was a nice afternoon on a perfect Spring day. LA traffic is always a mess but weekends with VR friends make it worthwhile.

Seth is pursuing answers to questions that some, including myself have regarding chest vibrations and thumping that his surgeon and the so called 'experts' at St Judes have yet to resolve. His new valve and conduit really do knock incredibly hard so hope that someone can come up with an answer that makes some sense.

Let's do it again!
Thanks for providing the picture of your get together, Mike. It's great to see VR members meeting other valvers who have shared the same life changing experience.:)
It was great getting together with Mike (Racefan), Debbie and Mike (Resqrn). All three had some traveling to do to get here and make it happen – thanks you guys, and thank you Mike for posting our picture! I really appreciate our time together, and my wife enjoyed our meeting too. There is a special connection between those of us who have gone through valve replacement (plus other serious heart related issues), there's nothing like meeting and talking about what we have gone through and continue to deal with. We got lots of interesting and expert heart info from Mike (Resqrn). Thanks Debbie for connecting me with Mike (Racefan) early on. One thing that was very helpful to me was being able to have fellow valvers (instead of doctors) check out my pounding-vibration issue in person and respond to it. I look forward to meeting again in the future.
Thanks for posting the pic. It's always nice to see photos of the "family" getting together.
Hello all, karlynn I like how up worded our get together, A family gathering, that's how I feel when we get together with the other VR members, we really do share a special bond! I want to plan a big get-together when Knightfan comes out this way on his big cross-country trip in Aug. We haven't meet alot of the LA people I hope they will attend!! I have found about 20 VR members here in So. Cal. lets all get together!! Just to let everyone know Seth's heart really is loud, he is not exaggerating! It does pound and you can see his chest moving, you can hear it too from up close. Seth, I hope they can some way make this better for you ! Nice to see a few friends again and if anyone wants to meet just let me know and we'll work on it.
Thanks Debbie :)

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