So. Cal Get Together Fri Mar 29, Picture and Reflections!

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
I just wanted to l say I had a wonderful time at our mini-reunion in Escondido, California yesterday. I had the pleasure of meeting in person Debbie (she had surgery 9 days after me so we’re surgery buddies)!, Susan BAV, (whose encouraging and thought-provoking posts have been extremely helpful to me), Jim (Starman) (who had surgery 14 weeks ago for my same condition, BAV with ascending aortic aneurysm), Deanne (BriansMom), this woman is amazing and has had to deal with so much with her son being the one affected! She is extremely fun, energetic and her enthusiasm and energy are contagious…she is also a fellow motorcyclist so that was way cool! And Mike (Resqrn) who is a true survivor….had an aortic dissection 2 ½ years ago and miraculously after 12 hours of surgery and 5 days unconscious in the ICU he survived! He is so fun…great sense of humor and his medical knowledge as a former cardiac nurse was helpful to us all. We picked his brain continuously asking for clarification of certain aspects of our conditions and surgical procedures. Also joining us were my wonderful and supportive husband, Arron, and Debbie's husband Ed. They enjoyed chatting together and sharing their experiences (including the numerous trials and tribulations) in dealing with their respective spouses recent surgeries, post-operative care, hospital experiences etc.
All in all, I would say it was a wonderful time had by all. We laughed, shared our stories, showed off our scars, exchanging stories about our hospital experiences (especially the dreaded vent….I think I was voted the luckiest as I have no real memory of the vent), our post-operative course, and what the future holds for us. With the exception of Debbie, all of us have bicuspid aortic valves and aneurysms.
It was a wonderful time and I think that many of you reading this will know what I am talking about when I say that there was an instant camaraderie, a kinship, an understanding on a level that others cannot understand. It was amazing…for lack of a better word…and my only regret is that we didn’t have more time. We had to fly back to Seattle from Los Angeles the next morning at 8:00 am and had a two hour drive back to LA so we had to call it a night around 8:30 pm.

I can only urge other of you who live in a the general vicinity of other members to arrange your own little “mini-reunions.” It can be just a few of you meeting for coffee, or a Friday night with appetizers and refreshments around an outdoor table at Red Robin, like we did. Whatever it is, there is no substitute for the company of other heart patients.
Thank you to Debbie for being so wonderful and taking the time an energy to arrange our little get-together. My husband occasionally travels to California for business and I have already said I will be tagging along on future trips as well and hoping for another opportunity to get together with these amazing people.
Thanks again to all those who made the effort to attend our little get together. It was great fun and as I mentioned, my only regret is that we didn’t have more time!

The attached picture is: Mike (resqrn), Debbie (Debbie), Deanne (BriansMom), Lorie (harleygirl), Susan (SusanBAV), and Jim (Starman)
Oh yeah, Lorie and group...!!

Oh yeah, Lorie and group...!!

harleygirl528 said:
It was a wonderful time and I think that many of you reading this will know what I am talking about when I say that there was an instant camaraderie, a kinship, an understanding on a level that others cannot understand. It was amazing…for lack of a better word…
The attached picture is: Mike (resqrn), Debbie (Debbie), Deanne (BriansMom), Lorie (harleygirl), Susan (SusanBAV), and Jim (Starman)

We just got in from dinner but I just had to sneak a quickie to see if you had by some slim chance, posted a picture....!! Yippeeeeeeee, there you all are in all your healthy glory..!!

Debbie -- I just knew you were tall....Deanne's got a gorgeous smile...and Lorie, I'd know your hair anywhere..:D ....and Susan -- you're loads younger than I thought you were...and the guys are cool too...just look at all those BIG smiles.
harleygirl528 said:
It was a wonderful time and I think that many of you reading this will know what I am talking about when I say that there was an instant camaraderie, a kinship, an understanding on a level that others cannot understand. It was amazing?for lack of a better word?and my only regret is that we didn?t have more time.


Whole-HEARTILY agree with you on all of this!

It IS amazing.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"And the simple truth so very much clearer" ... Everything ... 'Hooch'
get together

get together

Dear Lorie, thank you so much for posting the picture and your wonderful reflections of last night. I ditto everything you said and really felt that instant camaraderie and kinship that we all share. We all have gone through a life changing event, we have had the very thing that keeps us alive everyday, our heart worked on and fixed and live to tell about it. It is truly amazing to me that the doctors can work on us the way they do and heal us, we should all be greatful that we are alive and here to be able to encourage others. We had a good time, and like Lorie said VR members should find others in their area and get together, you'll be glad you did! Debbie :)
More Pictures!

More Pictures!

I think we all echo Lorie and Debbie's comments - so straight to a few more pictures...........


Debbie and Lorie


Debbie (Debbie), Jim (Starrman), Deanne (BriansMom), Susan (SusanBAV), Mike (resqrn), and Lorie (harleygirl)


Mike (resqrn), Debbie (Debbie), Deanne (BriansMom), Lorie (harleygirl), Susan (SusanBAV), and Jim (Starrman)


By now you can figure out who is who but.......if you look closely, thats Lorie's husband Arron on the back left - another fine member of the armed services; thank you from all of us. Missing from all these pictures is Ed, Debbie's husband and wonderful caregiver and excellent ICU photographer for Debbie!
I really enjoyed getting to meet and visit with these members too; thanks for coordinating it, Debbie!
And it was such good timing that we got to meet you while you were down this way, Lorie!

We were a small group of members (and two spouses) who all had different experiences, including surgeries and valves, and it was enjoyable to get to visit together and swap stories a bit and hopefully we kind of cheered each other on. I was amazed at what Mike has gone through; and he was so informative with his medical background. Deanne has a terrific sense of humor in relating stories, that I somehow hadn't noticed in her posts. And Lorie and Jim and Debbie were all very interesting and pleasant to visit with also. Unfortunately, I was mentally preoccupied with the circumstance of a very ill relative and had to leave early. But it was just fun getting to actually talk face to face with them all!
Thanks to everyone for a great afternoon and evening, I had a wonderfull time. As others have said it was great to see and have a voice, and for me to experience the personality to the words here on the forum. I wish for more gatherings in the future that may be able to last a bit longer, because it was such a short time in the big picture of things, I want MORE. Jim I wanted to say thanks for the pics. I did finally see pics of myself in the hospital the next day that I had not see in probably 1-1.5 years, they are still very powerfull, I had forgotten just how much, thanks for jarring my memory. But to all, I would like to keep the chatting and friendships going that have started right here, there are very few (in the big skeem of things) who can relate to our experiances we need to keep them close,thank you again. To all that see the pics, my loud shirt....well I wear shirts like that as a normal part of my every day attire.:D
Great photos. GREAT smiles!!!! Great group!!

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful evening with us!

Best wishes to you all!!

sorry I missed it

sorry I missed it

Sorry I missed the get together. Maybe next time!! I look forward to meeting all my SoCal cohorts:) I should be up an running for the next reunion.
After being a VR member for nearly nine years, it is so heartwarming to finally meet others who have become my fast friends. I met Bonnie years ago, then last year met Cort, then this year a whole bunch in Orlando. There's the lunch bunch in AZ who meet every week. It is wonderful that all over the place there are reunions popping up. Even if it is only two members getting together, that's a reunion. Let's keep it going...........
hensylee said:
After being a VR member for nearly nine years, it is so heartwarming to finally meet others who have become my fast friends. I met Bonnie years ago, then last year met Cort, then this year a whole bunch in Orlando. There's the lunch bunch in AZ who meet every week. It is wonderful that all over the place there are reunions popping up. Even if it is only two members getting together, that's a reunion. Let's keep it going...........

AMEN and HALLELUJAH to that!


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"A promise you can't take back" ... Shenandoah ... 'I Wanna Be Loved Like That'
Future Reunion

Future Reunion

When you plan another SoCal reunion I'd love to attend. I met Debbie at the Mended Hearts meeting at Palomar Hospital in Escondido on Saturday (she has lots of positive energy). Glad to see you all had a great time. Maybe I'll get to meet you somewhere down the line.

BTW: Shouldn't this thread title be Friday, February 29? I read it hoping that it was coming up in the next 2 weeks.

Keep on ticking.....
get together

get together

Dear Karen, I will add you to my list of So. Cal members. I'm looking forward to planning our next get together in the spring when the weather warms up a bit more. We are planning a full day at the Tem. wineries! Good wine, good food, great new friendships! I'm hoping we'll have alot of members attend, I'll throw out some dates soon and get one that the most people can come to. The date on the post was wrong, it was Feb. 29th. I'm glad I got to meet you on Sat., looking forward to talking to you more. Debbie :)