So at what point does the doctor say - start exercizing?

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I realize that a chest needs to recover for quite sometime (12 weeks?), but what about riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes (twice a day). I may be nowhere ready to begin this routine, but at some point the doctors will push us all to really start exercising and start that heart-a-pumpin'.

I see my Cardiologist's practioner this Tuesday, over the telephone she told me to not increase my exercise routine until we see one another. I am currently walking just under 1.5 miles a day (5 seperate walks). I have yet to feel like I have overdone anything afterwards.

Thanks everyone,
Chuck S
This is why I found cardiac rehab so very helpful -- they told me exactly how much to exercise when. They were right there to watch and help if I had any problems. When I finished the six week course, they gave me detailed instructions for how much to exercise afterwards.
I encourage you to get into the cardiac rehab program. You may need a prescription for that.
I agree about cardiac rehab - it was so helpful for me and I felt like they kept me on the straight and narrow. It is also good because they monitor your pulse, blood pressure, and rhythm. I also now have an exercise plan to follow with weights and stretching. I know where my pulse range should be. Maybe your cardiologist can recommend a program for you.

I was walking 30 minutes a day a week ( 8 days) or so after surgery and I believe I hit the bike around four or five weeks. Also started to run at that time. I think I was more concerned with doing anything that would cause infection or keep my sternum from healing properly ( like falling down).

Seems like the cardiac rehab would be a good thing to consider though.

Chuck_S said:
I realize that a chest needs to recover for quite sometime (12 weeks?), but what about riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes (twice a day). I may be nowhere ready to begin this routine, but at some point the doctors will push us all to really start exercising and start that heart-a-pumpin'.

I see my Cardiologist's practioner this Tuesday, over the telephone she told me to not increase my exercise routine until we see one another. I am currently walking just under 1.5 miles a day (5 seperate walks). I have yet to feel like I have overdone anything afterwards.

Thanks everyone,
Chuck S


I have been walking 5 miles a day (2 walks) since about 10 days after surgery. I most recently have started using the stairmaster for 2 miles so I could omit one of the walks as it has been terribly hot in SOCAL. My surgeon said that at 8 weeks you are back to normal (well almost and I am 9 days away) so the weights will be pulled out!! He will give me some limits on the weight though, and I would advsie you get them from your Dr as well.
Chuck_S said:
I realize that a chest needs to recover for quite sometime (12 weeks?), but what about riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes (twice a day). I may be nowhere ready to begin this routine, but at some point the doctors will push us all to really start exercising and start that heart-a-pumpin'.

I see my Cardiologist's practioner this Tuesday, over the telephone she told me to not increase my exercise routine until we see one another. I am currently walking just under 1.5 miles a day (5 seperate walks). I have yet to feel like I have overdone anything afterwards.

Thanks everyone,
Chuck S

I'll be 4 weeks out tomorrow. I'm starting rehab Wednesday morning. Last week I was travelling out West in Cheyenne, Wy. While walking around outside, I couldn't make it a whole city block without becoming winded and having to find someplace to sit and catch my breath. Didn't realize until someone else (who hasn't recently had OHS) was complaining about being winded after going up steps that it is much harder to breathe at 6000 ft. than it is at sea level.
Probably could have started rehab today but I wanted to go to work and let my boss know that I'll be coming in late on M, W, & F for awhile while I go through the rehab effort.