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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
Hi Everyone!
Isn't it great news to hear that the sniper/snipers have been caught? Just the other day they didn't let my daughter's preschool go out to play because they hadn't caught him/them yet. They say the gun that was found in the car matched the shells from the previous shootings. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families. I can't even imagine what they must be going through. It really makes you wonder what makes people tik?

Take Care!
It's good news for sure. I only hope that they are the ones and that there won't be any copycat types to carry on.
Yikes Ross...I agree..I'm a skeptic and remain very cautious believing it's over! I hope and pray it is....BUT....

God Bless you Ross...with all you have been thru and are still struggling lift everyones spirit everyday.!!!!

U R a Sweetie! Plus being a friend to all....make all feel their problems surpass yours..(certainly not true mostly!) We're SO lucky to have you!

Zip *~*
Hi Zipper

I have my days where I'm down and coming here and helping others brightens things for me. The wife, on the other hand, hates me being on the computer all the time. So, when she's awake, I stay off.

I really do hope these suspects are the ones. I'd hate to think that the sniper is still out there and they picked these 2 to calm the fears. Only time will tell.
Oh Ross, I hope that is not the case. That has gone through my mind as well. My prayers are with those who have lost a love one to this horrible person or people. martha
I think they got em. Don't really like thinking about all of the other nuts out there.

We just received a letter home from our child's school today. There was an abduction attempt of two children in the vicinity of the school. They were walking home. The typical lure with Candy and a puppy in the car.

My town reminds me of 'how it use to be' in the good old days when children could play unattended without a worry. People do carry on here like nothing is going on in the world. A nice town and a picture of suburbia life. Crime stats in our town are low low low. Practically non existent. So, you can happen in the nice areas too. Maybe the weirdoes feel they can pray upon the innocent because we are not expecting it to happen to here.

It seems I am one of the rare parents that do not permit her child to play outside or walk to school without an watchful eye. I told her tonight, I will be watching you until you enter your school. Even if I need to hide across the street if your too embarrassed.

Scary times for sure
That's something I like about my husband being a cop! They can ride to school in the police car! Just kidding, Kevin can't use a government vehicle to take them to work! I can't believe how STUPID some people are! They wanted to be caught, so they actually wrote letters? Yeah. What really scares me is that this guy used to live about 50 miles away from me. ANd he was station at Ft. Lewis, an army base! He was mad at the army so he decided to kill. OK! That's the speculation right now. Just glad they caught him and I hope they fry him! I will drive my kids to school on MY way to school or work! Anyways, I better go. Erik needs me.
I believe that they did arrest the right guys but I am also worried about copycats. There seem to be so many sickos out there.

Gina: I'm sorry to hear about what happened at you child's school. It just isn't safe anywhere. We live in a rural area with low crime and I understand how you feel. I am one of the few parents who always has an eye on my kids, all of the time. It can definately happen anywhere.

Joy: I was going to ask you if you lived near where they were searching for evidence. It's really scarey when things hit close to home, isn't it?

Take Care!


My hubby also thinks I am on the computer too much. He says all I want to do is talk to everyone here on the forum. I really enjoy conversing with everyone here. I did get him to understand why I like being on this forum.
How is your new kitten doing?

Take Care!