Sneezing - Funny but True

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I have sneezed many times in the past 2 weeks since my surgery and the only really bad thing about them is a really tight muscle in my neck kinda gets a tug when i sneeze. I do get scared every time and grab my pillow and hold on tight. Not really as bad as i thought they would be. I'm down to 1 percocet every 12 hours now too so i guess my healing is going good.

Thanks for your reply. I don't know Dr. Forbes, but I suspect the surgeons all know one another. As for the saddle stuff. Unless you didn't have surgery through your sternum, I don't think I'd recommend too much horseback riding, except for some very passive kinds on a gentle horse. Treat your sternum like any other broken bone. If you abuse it, it will come back to bite you--hard! No roping or other stuff that roughly yanks on your chest, especially outward. I'd say 8 weeks is way too short a time post surgery for stuff like that. Perhaps 3 months or more would be more realistic. Doing it too early is a way to cause dehissence (sp?) which means the halves of your sternum come apart again, possibly never healing right again short of bone surgery. Pain is your best friend--listen to your friend's advice. If it hurts--especially this early on in healing--back off!

As for me, my sternum healed solidly. I drove at 4 1/2 weeks due to my farm location, did not lift above 10 lbs. until six weeks, about 50 lbs. by ten weeks, and both kids (then 40 lbs. and 70 lbs.) at about 13 weeks. Chicken feed sacks, heavy rocks, etc. were pretty much back to normal by about 3 months. I have not regretted taking my time getting back into physical activity. There was a time I babied myself, and there was a time I pushed myself. When there was pain--I backed off a bit for a while, then when the pain went away, I pushed further. Now I can do more stuff than before surgery, but it's also been nearly a year since the OHS, and my scar is pretty big still--some keloid development due to allergy to the 'dissolving' suture used on me. When I do climbing or other activities that involve extreme stretches for the first time since surgery, I feel peculiar pulls and 'twangs' in my body, but after that time or sometimes the second time, it's smooth sailing.

Face it, so far as your body is concerned, you've been stabbed in the heart with a sternum-splitting battle-axe. It doesn't know that you paid over $100G to the surgeon who knew where to split and stab, just that it happened. It takes time to recover from such trauma--take it easy. You'll be in all our prayers. Feel free to come and post stuff if you feel depressed at some point, or concerned about what we call a "bump-in-the-road." Or just come on by to say hello.

Im really glad I read this thread! I haddn't sneezed for a while, but then I had 2 within a few days - they just snuck up on me, and really hurt! But just now I just recognised what was happening before it did, I thought of the pain and grabbed the inside of my nose quick and it just went away - like "it knew" :D
You had your surgery cloe to the same day as I did. November 10th. This is my second so I do know the terror of the sneeze. Luckily I haven't sneezed yet. I did however swallow apple juice down the wrong hole and the couging fit I had I thought wa goint to rip my insides out. I looked like a chicken with his head cut off looking for my heart pillow. My wife calls it my huggy pillow. Luckily I found it and most of the pain was diverted.
LOL Chris, your stabbing and battle axe analogy is terrific. After my knee surgeries in 1991, I had a physiotherapist who said that all surgery is, is an organized knife wound. Your body doesn't care who did the wounding, just that it was done.
hi john,shouldnt laugh i know but am sure most people on here will chuckle at your post,we all know what its like and it always brings a smile to my face when i remember my first sneeze,just remember when you do,dont go towards the light lol, glad your doing well,keep it up,

my first sneeze? thought sure the light was there.........