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Wow, there are a lot more smokers out there than I thought! It's funny how smokers think alike when it comes to life without cigarettes. It is like a bad marriage or relationship esp. when you've been doing something for 20 years and can't let go. I've really grown to be disgusted with myself and how I let cigarettes rule my life. When I put my mind to it, I have always been able to acheive all my goals EXCEPT stop smoking, my weakest point! Well, I'm fed up wih it. I have not smoked in 2 days and it's been smooth so far. I have continue with the Chantix and I'm chewing nicotine gum as well. It still gets really hard not to smoke one after a meal. However, one thing I have learned from previous attempts is that the urge will subside if I can just make it through the first ten minutes after I eat. So far, so good. The gum does help. I wonder if the Chantix blocks the nicotine from the gum as well. Would anybody know this? I do love the gum. I hope I don't become addicted to the gum!!! In any case, my Dr. said " I would rather have you chew that gum forever than to ever pick up another cigarette".

Thanks for all the support!

What worked for me is the want to quit and the Chantix. I also told myself I was just stopping for now since as soon as I find I have an incurable disease I am buying a carton on the way home. I try never to say never to myself since I don't handle denying myself we;;.
Hang in there and as soon as you get done eating walk out the door and keep going down the street no matter what. It is also just a habit for your body to stop saying send down the smoke. You will succeed when you want to quit more than you want to smoke.
Congrats on the two day!

A friend of mine had smoked since he was 13, he's now 43 and quit about 6 months ago. I asked him recently "Mike - how do you do it?" His reply was
"Scotch....lots of scotch.";) My guess is that his sense of humor helps.
Keep up the great work Mike.
Your getting more support here than I ever did at home. Maybe I should join you and absorb all this support.
You may also try on brushing your teeth after a meal - that helps for me.



Karlynn said:
Congrats on the two day!

A friend of mine had smoked since he was 13, he's now 43 and quit about 6 months ago. I asked him recently "Mike - how do you do it?" His reply was
"Scotch....lots of scotch.";) My guess is that his sense of humor helps.

I don’t know…. I have a friend who quit years ago while on vacation. He gave his wife the keys and every time he wanted a smoke he took a shot of booze….. His wife still does not talk about that trip……but he has not smoked since.
Mike...wishing well. Two days is a great start, if you stumble get back with it. You will make it when you want it bad enough.

Don't listen to any negativity or self righteous, judgmental people, ex smokers or otherwise. It's not their fight it's yours. If they want to support you fine, if not ignore them. Best of luck.

mtkayak said:
Wow, there are a lot more smokers out there than I thought! It's funny how smokers think alike when it comes to life without cigarettes. It is like a bad marriage or relationship esp. when you've been doing something for 20 years and can't let go. I've really grown to be disgusted with myself and how I let cigarettes rule my life. When I put my mind to it, I have always been able to acheive all my goals EXCEPT stop smoking, my weakest point! Well, I'm fed up wih it. I have not smoked in 2 days and it's been smooth so far. I have continue with the Chantix and I'm chewing nicotine gum as well. It still gets really hard not to smoke one after a meal. However, one thing I have learned from previous attempts is that the urge will subside if I can just make it through the first ten minutes after I eat. So far, so good. The gum does help. I wonder if the Chantix blocks the nicotine from the gum as well. Would anybody know this? I do love the gum. I hope I don't become addicted to the gum!!! In any case, my Dr. said " I would rather have you chew that gum forever than to ever pick up another cigarette".

Thanks for all the support!


Mike - Congrats on your 2 days of no smoking! I was never a smoker, but both my parents were. My dad was one of those guys who quit cold turkey - from a non professional viewpoit, it seems to be the way to go. I hope you keep going, one day at a time. I often think if someone told me I had to give up chocolate forever, I wouldn't be able to do that, even though ittoo isn't good for me! I like the advice someone gave you about getting up from the table and going for a walk - without the cigs, of course!;) Maybe if you do that, the urge will be gone or 10 or 15 min, and you'll be doing your heart some good too!
Good luck to you - it's hard, I'm sure, but you have nothing to lose by trying!
That's great so please keep it up. And if you fall off the wagon don't give up.
It has to be one of the toughest things around, but you can do it!
I must confess that I have been smoking a little to aid in weight loss. But no more??.Anyone feel like starting a ?Quit Smoking Throw Down?? How about you Mike? started it:D :cool: :D
cooker said:
Anyone feel like starting a ?Quit Smoking Throw Down?? How about you Mike? started it:D :cool: :D

This was basically how my sister quit. I know the weight-loss throw down has been very therapeutic. And you can be sure that any throw-down Cooker is involved in will keep you laughing!!!!
rckrzy1 said:
I don't think nicotine is an approved drug for weight loss. Of course neither is cocaine or meth but hey they work for weight loss as well.

Adam....get grip....this is not a recovery room or soap box.....everyone else has tried to be helpful, not critical.
It was supposed to be my New Years Resolution but I decided to start early :) I'm all for a "throw down" how do you get started? What is it, first of all?
Mike, you could start a thread "challenging" others to join you in your quest to be "smoke free".
It would become a place of support, discussion, and sharing for anyone who chooses to do so.
Start the thread in the Small Talk Forum.
Go for it!!!!:) :)
Cooker and RobHol partnered for the Weight-loss Throw Down. I'm pretty sure Cooker would be willing to partner with you for a Stop Smoking Throw Down. Take a look at the Weight-loss on in the Active Lifestyles forum. It's just people reporting how they're doing, getting encouragement and support from others ..... and sharing a lot of laughs.
Karlynn said:
Cooker and RobHol partnered for the Weight-loss Throw Down. I'm pretty sure Cooker would be willing to partner with you for a Stop Smoking Throw Down. Take a look at the Weight-loss on in the Active Lifestyles forum. It's just people reporting how they're doing, getting encouragement and support from others ..... and sharing a lot of laughs.

Yep.....I would help with a SS Thread. I'm sure that there are a few, if not many that could benefit from this. I would guess that if being over weight and tobacco use could be eliminated the world would be a better place, especially for those with heart issues.

Mike....let me know what you want to call it and when you want to start it. I am sure we will have a crowd, although I guess smoking may be hard for some to admit. I find it a little embarrassing, as a heart patient to admit tobacco use.:eek:
Yeah, I'm always embarassed to admit I smoke. Whenver I light up and people have never seen me smoke but know I've had heart surgery always say "You had heart surgery and you smoke". I mean how to do you answer that knowing that it's stupid!

Yeah, we can start the Smoking throw down at the beginning of the year! I still haven't smoked in over a week!