Sleep aids?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Hi, I'm a little over 3 months post-op..Lately, I have had a hard time falling asleep..When I do, I usually awake after a few hours.I walk a lot during the day, and never nap..Any good home remedies? I am in no pain..Just can't turn the brain off:D Bonnie
Tylenol PM?

Tylenol PM?

A friend suggested Tylenol PM..Will it go with Coumadin? No asprin.
I too had trouble sleeping a full night for quite some time. I used Tylenol PM, but don't take coumadin. Some body with that info will come in soon. I was battling hot flashes and night sweats then also. After about a year those slowed down and then stopped and I noticed I was sleeping better...for whatever the reason.
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Maybe we should start a thread about "how do you fall asleep - personal remedies" I will start

My ex, as a college student, worked out a memory thingy for himself and taught me. For each letter of alphabet, assign an easily remembered name, i.e. a - apple. Then when you want to remember something, think of it and connect it to a, i.e. I want to get chicken - make the chicken look like an apple running round - color, shape and all. Bet when you get to store and think of apple, chicken will come to mind. Anyway, when you can't sleep, try making lists. The boredom will put you to sleep.

Perform a task in your mind - do the laundry, redecorate your house, fix the car. Do it from step one forward and before you know it you will be sleeping. The dentist still wonders how I can fall asleep in his chair!!

Next? Anybody? Jump right in here.
Write a Novel

Write a Novel

A few years ago, I found that by trying to write a novel when you go to sleep..Starting with..Once upon a time, ( I like history and always started one about years ago..Like traveling west in a wagon train....Never get past page 1 and was sound asleep...Ha..Worked for me.. Bonnie
Falling asleep

Falling asleep

I tried to get off the pills they gave me after surgery, but I ended up using Excerdrin P.M. Works even now. Hope this helps. Syl
Tynenol PM

Tynenol PM

Tynenol PM extra strength is Wonderful..Sleep like a baby but my..eyes are so bad..Can anyone read the ingredients on the bottle or would know if it would affect our INR..I will call the pharmacist tomorrow ..Help Al:confused: Bonnie
Tylenol P.M.

Tylenol P.M.

Went down to see the local Pharmacist today..She looked at the Tynenol P.M. bottle and said that it would NOT hurt our INR's. It really makes me sleep well and I tested my INR today with my home unit after taking them for a week and I was fine. Bonnie
Most often I take Unisom (or a generic equivalent; check out the "house" brands that contain the same ingredient). The gelcaps I believe are the same as the ingredient in Tylenol PM. The one I prefer is the tablet form which is a different ingredient and which is breakable so you can take less than a whole tablet. A whole tablet would make me sleep until the next day at noon. I usually just break off a quarter or a third. I take a half if I am really feeling stressed or particularly want to sleep a long time. The ingredient is an antihistamine which is non-habit forming. As long as I take just the partial tablet, I don't experience the "hangover" effect in the morning.

Alternatively, I have also found some herbal remedies that work. My favorite is Passion Flower (a misnomer) put out by Solaray. 2-3 capsules usually does the trick. My mother likes Scullcap also.

The other thing I use a lot are guided imagery tapes which others have mentioned elsewhere on this website. The one I prefer is by Diane Tusek (which Cleveland Clinic gives out as a complimentary item pre-surgery). You can find it at Another source are the ones by Belleruth Naperstak at At 3 a.m. when the anxious tapes in my mind are running rampant, these work the best for me to calm the mind chatter. When I'm anxious, I just can't still my thoughts without help.
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Have you considered meditation?
It isn't all hocus pocus as one might think.
Even 5-10 minutes just before bed can help to slow the "chatter" of the mind enough so you can relax and fall asleep.

I can recommend a couple of great books on the subject if you are interested.

I started doing it prior to surgery when I suffered from depression and a lot of heart-related symptoms. It helped somewhat, but not as much as it does now that I'm healthier.
Hi All,

I am with Dave on this one. I also take Ambien for those rare occations when I need to sleep, but can't. Ambien is a prescription, it is a sleeping pill, but unlike the others, it is Non-addictive. You do wake up feeling refreshed, without that groggy morning feeling that Excedrin PM, Tylenol PM and other sleeping pills have.

My doctor even said that if I was on a plane for about 4 hours, take 1/2 pill and you'll catch some good sleep and wake up fine.

By the way, Excedrin is a "No- No" for those of us on Coumadin. Tylenol is OK.

Happy Motoring!
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Not groggy

Not groggy

Tylenol P.M. 1 works for me..but I go to bed early..Like 9:30 and sleep until 6;30-7 a.m....I can see where you would be groggy if you go to bed later...I have 2 friends who take 2 pills a night and it does not bother them..Rob, you are of those friends took a pill to sleep going to London a few weeks back and woke up at 3 a.m. our time ready to tour..:D Bonnie
I used to have severe insomnia, sometimes couldn't sleep for days on end. Tried everything you could imagine.

Finally found a solution in a common combination of Valerian root and Kava Kava. Works great, no hangover, wake up completely refreshed. Don't need it much anymore, but when I do, it still works great everytime.

Also breathing exercises along with meditation works well if the insomnia is not too severe.

Hope this helps.
Reaction to Coumadin

Reaction to Coumadin

We mechanical valvers have to be careful what herbs we take..I use to take Kava Kava to relax me when I got stressed out..Works great..Need to check it against coumadin.. Bonnie