skin cancer

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bvdr Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2003
Pinehurst, NC
A couple of weeks ago both my husband Tom and I had biopsies on some suspicious areas of our skin. My husband has very little, ok, hair, on most of his head. He had one biopsy come back positive for squamous cell carcinoma and is scheduled to have that removed next week. His is on the very top of his beautiful shiny head.

Mine also came back with squamous cell carcinoma but unfortunately mine is above my lip and also involves my upper lip. I'm going to have possible radiation treatments, Mohs surgery and possible reconstruction by a specialist in this up at Duke. I'm waiting for a call on the date. It is the location of it that is the problem. Both our cancers are early so I expect we will both be fine.

It may take a couple of days for me to digest this and be ready to get it handled. This year has not gotten off on a very stellar note but I know that God will give me whatever strength that I need when I need it.

I almost cancelled this dermatologist appointment because I was so tired of anything medical and it was scheduled for a day or so after I was discharged from the hospital stay for colitis. After all, this was only a smally scally reddened area..........but I went because it was my only hope of getting Tom in to have his checked out.

I am still planning on returning to Mexico as scheduled unless I'm advised to start treatment immediately.
Gosh, Betty, you really didn't need that, did you ... :mad:

I sure don't like to say anything that appears to minimize something this serious (hope this post doesn't sound like the "oh, that's routine surgery these days" line that you occasionally get when you tell people you are going in for heart surgery!) -- BUT: you are right when you say that, caught early, this sort of thing is extremely treatable. I'm just really sorry yours is in such a bad place -- my mom went through several bouts of squamous cell carcinoma -- one was, like yours, in a very awkward place, very close to her eye (her GOOD eye, the other had been damaged by a defective lens implanted after cataract surgery). Needless to say, we were very nervous about the procedure to remove that one -- but it all turned out OK.
Hi Betty-

I'm very sorry to hear about the skin cancers, especially since you will have to possibly have reconstruction surgery. You will be in my prayers for a speedy resolution to it.

Within the past couple of years, Joe has also had skin cancer, basal cell and squamous cell. His did not need reconstruction, since they were in areas which weren't really visible. He has also had some more lesions removed by freezing. They were very small. His dermatologist will be on a periodic hunt for suspicious lesions and said he'll zap whatever he sees. He doesn't want them to get to any significant size. I guess this is because Joe was a flaming redhead with freckles in his youth and spent a lot of time in the sun playing sports, and as a teenager, working at outside jobs.

Who knew then what that would cause?

Best wishes, Betty.
Hi Betty,
Tell Tom he isn't along on this. I had two small red areas on my shiny head also that Marsha thought were getting bigger. She made an appointment with the Dermatologist and he removed them and they came back normal.

I hope you both get through this OK and maybe the rest of the year will go just fine for you.

You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care
Oh Betty. We will hold you close in our thoughts and prayers. I am confident with early detection all will be well. Hold that thought.

Let us know if we can do anything for you. Please keep us posted.
hi betty!
i was so shocked when i read your post!
i can't believe it!
i'm so sorry that you and tom are going through this..
i see a laser specialist in nyc (one of the pioneers in this field) and he does so many mohs patients ( i often end up waiting to see him, because something/ someone has come up).
i wish you all the best in your upcoming surgery. please keep us posted as to how it goes, what they say, etc.
you and tom are in our thoughts and prayers.
be well, sylvia
Hi Betty

Hi Betty

I am so glad you and hubby found your skin cancers..My friend,Bill, who passed away//they found one on his thigh last summer..Spread to brain and lungs..quickly:( :( :( I have had 2 basal cell cancers on my face. One next to nose and one next to eye.....I had the Mohs.. I have been told that basal cell cancers are small PEARL like pimples. I have had one on forehead now for a few I will make an appointment to see dermatologist soon.. My hubby had a huge one on his nose..due to flying for 35 years into sun..The doctor removed it..but let a surgeon close it up a few days later. I also have a scaly area..small in my scalp.. Been thinking it was dry scalp..:mad: so will have that checked out too... Bill was my second friend to die from skin cancer. First was a friend (male) only age 40. I don't think basal skin cancers spread..but scary anyway..So, members, if you see a white, pearly pimple..have it checked out. Bonnie
Betty you really have to knock this stuff off soon. I'm happy to hear that it's been caught in the earlier stages and not left to fester. Both of you get it taken care of and then stop this stuff. The is just beginning of the year for crying out loud. :( :)
Small talk

Small talk

This is another reason that I like Small Talk..we can share our other health related experiences..:) :) Bonnie
Betty, bummer. Sorry to hear about it; . my mom has had squamous cell on her face for years - has done very well but still watches it like a hawk.

Tell you what - there are times that you just want to write off, huh? I have a herniated disc in my lumbar - got my sciatic nerve. Oh, woe. Has hurt more than anything with my heart ever did . ..
Will see surgeon tomorrow (don't think they'll want to do surgery what with the heart issue, but need someone to look at it to recommend something).

It would seem that having had the ohs should disqualify one for other ailments; however, life seems to go on, as well as the deterioration of the rest of us. :D :eek:

Take care; hope you have a good rest of your Mexican vacation.

Geesh - warm, sunny, etc. Why would you ever want to exchange cold ice snow wind gray for that???
Sorry for your problems, I took news of my first worst than the news about my valve. Just a big fraidy cat about this kind of stuff.
Now, I am getting to be a poster boy for these squamous cell carcinoma, had a couple in the last year and a half. Both required skin graft/reconstruction due to location. My first was behind my ear and only like a little rash about less than half an inch in diameter. Doc thought it a rash but I had it a year before I got it checked. Have a spot about 3 inches long and more than an inch wide to show for it. I don't want to see a big one. The good news is they don't metastisize(sp?)/spread very often only 3-5%. My plastic surgeon and dermatologist both say they have never seen a small one become life threatening. Once they get large(read: let go way too long) they become more dangerous.

Regardless, glad you are getting it taken care of.

I'm told they are more common in cats. Never thought of my self as a cat person, maybe, huh.

Best Wishes
I have a cousin going through this right now - he has one more treatment and we expect all to be well. As we also expect with yours. You are in my thoughts, Betty.

I'm sorry to hear about your skin cancer (along with your husband's). Thankfully, these days, a lot can be done for such things and I know that you will be just fine, as it seems you have caught things early. Just very sorry to hear that you have to go through more medical treatment. :(

You and your hubby will be in my thoughts and prayers -

Christina L.
Ditto what Ross said. Cut this #@*#$ out!!!!!

You both have my prayers for wonderfully simple and successful treatment.

You give renewed meaning to the phrase "You can't keep a good woman down."

I can understand your reluctance to follow up with the skin cancer, you've been through the ringer. I'm so glad that you and your husband will be getting treatment.

When it rains, it pours. Get them taken care of. My hubby goes in next week to get his skin cancers removed. Of course tomorrow is the famous colonoscopy for him. He's made it 12 years since his rectal cancer....not bad considering the 25% chance of survival they gave him!!! I don't know why we have to put up with this stuff as we get older. It helps to keep getting things checked though. Best of luck, I'll be thinking of you!

Betty - What a coincidence, I just went to the dermatologist today for possible skin cancer on my forehead. Anyway, they suggested I go through this Efudex treatment and I will know within three weeks. I think I know what you are going through. Good luck getting done and I hope this is the last of this stuff.

I'm a melanoma survivor thanks to early detection and great doctors. I wince every time I go for 3 month check-up, cause the doctor finds another mole to "slice" - all normal since the first one. Clear for 16 months.

Hang in there, you and Tom.
I?m so sorry to hear this.

I?m so sorry to hear this.

Hey Betty,

I'm sure it'll take a few days to digest this. Please know that I am thinking of you.

Thank goodness you kept the appointment. I've been at that point when I just didn't want to ever see another doctor's office.

I'd still go to Mexico if possible too. Enjoy a sunset and a margarita for me! :)

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