Simon Gee

Valve Replacement Forums

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Well thanks!

Well thanks!

Dear Hensylee,

thanks for your kind thoughts - I have been having so much fun over the weekend that I never got round to logging on until now, early Monday morning. I spent the afternoon of my birthday shifting barrow loads of well rotted horse manure to improve the soil in our garden - some present, believe me!
As for yesterday, Sunday, I took my two eldest sons to a mini rugby tournament where they both performed really well. My eldest, Ed, is not a regular first team player but he played above himself, scoring one try and making an excellent contribution overall. Our family star is Will, only 6, who plays with real passion and no little talent. His team of Under 7's came away with the cup for their age group, beating 11 other sides and Will scored the winning try in a sudden death play off. My heart was swelling with so much pride that I thought my valve might be in danger!!
What a birthday present yesterday was - just the sort of day I feel so lucky to be here to see.
Best wishes to all in the forum,
You couldn't have had a better birthday - and just think, you are going to have SO many more of them. After surgery these things seem to have much greater significance and we appreciate them more than we used to. (well, maybe not the horse doo) God bless