Silly Question # 2

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Hi Folks,

Ok, so there are no silly questions ...but it makes for an interesting subject line ( Canadian remember !)

Silly Question # 2

We have a swimming pool..and I will be recovering in the hot humid stuff we call weather here in Southern Ontario. With the cut healing on the chest and leg ( by pass too! ) may I go swimming, please??...or at least sit in a lawnchair in the pool ??
Will the chlorine interfere with healing?

Jack ( Welland )

PS told you a silly question was coming every few days!!
Hi Jack-

My guess is that you won't be feeling too spry. I'd be sure to run it by the surgeon. He will probably restrict your movements for a month or more, no lifting or twisting movements, and he also might be concerned about a possible fall in the pool because you'll be weaker than normal and a little unsteady on your feet the result of your surgery plus new meds you might be on.

I'm not too sure about pool water being a problem in and of itself, but I'm sure others will know.

Take care.
This one's a hummer - hmmmm

The chlorine might cause skin dryness, but can't see why you can't go in the water except for that. As Nancy says, tho, you may not want to for awhile because of the soreness and weakness. After all, we took showers and used soap right after so what's the diff.

You picked a good one - nobody's ever asked this one before.
I don't think the docs want you to soak the sternum until it is fully healed. Showers are fine because we aren't soaking the incision.
However, once healed I think swimming will be a heck of a workout. Or, just lounging in the cool water sounds great,too.


Yes, I'm inclined to agree with Gail.

But! There's probably no harm in sitting in the pool up to the waist, as long as you're strong and steady enough. Be careful of the sun tho...Not sure, but I think caution would be called for.


Love your questions.

My husbands cardio told him NO baths for 4-6 weeks, OK on the showers though. So I would assume, no soaking in the pool for that time as well! Your cardio might have a different opinion. Go with the flow!

I wasn't allowed to do anything but shower briefly until the sternum and the skin had healed all together. Took about 9 weeks last time around. I had a very conservative thoracic surgeon. He didn't allow anything that could interfere with the insicion site and the healing process so ointment type stuff to help with itching etc., wasn't allowed until fully healed. Some surgeons might have another approach to it.

You won't feel like soaking much but run it by your cardiologist to be sure on what to do!

All my best,

No Swimming

No Swimming


I was told during my rehab time that I could absolutely NOT go swimming for at least 3 months from my surgery. The problem isn't so much the incision, but the healing of the sternum. The Doc and Rehab techs said that I could wade up to my waist, but could not use my hands or arms under the water at all. It seems that the resistance of the water acts to put excess stress on the sternum.

Your Doc and rehab techs may differ though.
Hi JackC

I was told like others in the forum no soaking in tub for
at least 6 weeks. You need to let yourself heal. Also
beware of infection.

:) Judy
thanks again

thanks again

Hi folks,

Once again thanks for the info. Its amazing what you learn here.
There are ideas which never occurred to moving hands in water cause resistance to the sternum!!

Hang in with the info cause there are more silly questions coming!!

Jack ( Welland )
hi jack!
everyone's advice not to soak in water is on the mark. joey, too, was told to shower, but no baths or soaking in pools. he did, however, sit ouside on our deck, reading, for weeks after his surgery, enjoying the unusually good weather we had. we went to the caribbean 3 months after his surgery and i insisted he "zinc up" his incision/scar, so that the sun would not make it worse.
i think the key is listening to your own body. i've been finding that there are some who heal more easily than others. joey was able to play golf after 3 months, but felt that swimming would hurt, so he didn't overdo it. wait and see how you heal; you may be one of the more fortunate quick healers.
be well,