Hello everyone - Very overjoyed I stumbled across this site! (Newbie !) I am hoping to get some feedback on some questions I have. I am a 44 y.o. Female with AS/AI/AR. I had my bi-cuspid valve repaired at age 9. I do not have my latest measurements in front of me and feel really stupid that I haven't taken the bull by the horns and figured out what these numbers actually mean. All I know is that I have not seen my Cardio for about 1 1/2 years. Up until several months ago my symptoms were the usual suspects-- slight SOB on exertion, hearing my murmer when my head is on the pillow... nothing bad at all. Over the last several months I have had several major dizzy spells laying, standing, and walking. Also a feeling of pressure in the center of my chest- like I want to keep burbing and last but not least my head is constantly pounding. I called my cardio and she can't get me in until Feb 19. I called my internest and he said my symptoms (dizzy spells is what I told him) did not sound like they were related to my valve. My question is this.. Are the dizzy spells while laying down and also just standing upright with no exertion indicative of AI/AR? My cardio is not seeming too concerned and my Gen. MD says he thinks I'm having panic attacks. Oh, also sometimes I feel like my limbs are really heavy...??
So- should I just go through the ER? I have a husband, 2 kids, 3 dogs, and 4 horses to take care of... I'd prefer to error on the safe side but I don't want to over react either. I would really appreciate feedback! Thank you!!!
So- should I just go through the ER? I have a husband, 2 kids, 3 dogs, and 4 horses to take care of... I'd prefer to error on the safe side but I don't want to over react either. I would really appreciate feedback! Thank you!!!