shortness of breath

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While at school, i get out of breath when going up the stairs. while in gym or runnning i dont get out of breath. i think is might be the esophugas spasm i have. i have try walking and still get out of breath. only when i go up and down the stairs. any suggestings about what might be wrong?
Out of Breathe

Out of Breathe

:) Please get to a doctor to give a good, through, checkup. Of there is nothing found there, get a referel to a cardiologist. There is something wrong in being out of breathe after climbing a flight of stairs. I assume that you are young, so having a possible heart problem, you are not too young to have. Keep us posted on what you do find out. The heart and lungs are so connected, when the heart has problems, breathing is a problem. Good luck and keep us posted.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Went to dr.

Went to dr.

I took my son to dr. He says he can hear a spasm in the esophagus. He gave him some medicine to see if it helps. If it does he wont be concerned. If it dosent, he will have to do some tests. I have been worried it could be his heart, too due to me having heart surgeries. He does have asthma. They told me to watch him carefully. He cannot participate in any sports right now and no running in track. We hope that this is something that can be treated without any surgery. He is only 13 and I am worried. We will know more in a few weeks if he will need more tests. I will keep you updated. Say an extra prayer for him. (mom) mpoppins.
My 11 year old son has been treated for activity induced asthma by our pcp. I have recently been concerned that this is an acurate diagnosis. I have an appointment scheduled form him next week with a pediatric asthma specialist I understand your concerns and glad you are getting things checked out. Peace of mind is a valueable thing...


I'm glad you are following up with this. As you know, many of us were experiencing asthma-like symptoms as our valve problems began worsening

Please let us know the outcome.
Ditto everyone.

And all you moms & dads out there who've been dealing with kids with problems have my utmost respect and sympathy. Having a problem oneself requires only the slightest bit of strength and courage compared to having to live with your child's problems. All my prayers and good thoughts for you two. Hope you get good answers really soon.
do you have a heart murmor

do you have a heart murmor

I was wondering if your family has ever been told that you had a heart mumor but it was nothing to worry about. growing up i played softball every year and i never had a problem with my heart or breathing when i practiced or ran, but every morning i had to climb 3 floors to get to my homeroom and i was always out of breath i had to stand at the railing for a few moments to catch my breath, i also felt almost like this fluttering nervous feeling in my just chest , kinda like you are excited about something and i always thought it was because i was nervous going to school even though i thrieved and got great grades. finally i went to the dr and he told me that i had a heart murmor from the time i was a child, now iam 28 and have had some rythem problems and had to have a pacemaker, unfortuently i waited a long time to find a dr to talk about this and it has caused damage. Dont let yourself feel like your out of shape or its in your head because it is real and im sure if you talk to anyone who was diagnosed a heart murmor/ rythem problem they mostly remembering feeling like that. Make sure that your parents or yourself get it checked out no matter what ,i know i felt they were going to tell me i was overweight and thats why i couldnt do it , i knew i ran and played softball without a problem but telling others that is hard , good luck