Shirts in Production

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Just wanted to update you all on the t-shirt fundraiser so you all wouldn't think I was heading up an Internet scam or something!

Right now, I am awaiting a printed "proof" shirt prior to full production. The proof shirt is costing me $100 out of my own pocket. I didn't feel right about passing the cost on to you and wanted to make sure Hank gets the maximum amount of cash after production costs are met. The whole fundraiser thing was my idea alone, so I'm taking every precaution I can. If the proof shirt is good to go, full production should then go fairly fast.

My mother-in-law's recent death caused a few weeks of delay on my end as well.

So, please hang with me. Some great new shirts will be coming your way.


BTW: My cardio stress test went very well yesterday as I clicked away like a mad Hamster on his wheel. However, my white coat syndrome was right there with me and had the nurse/technician thinking I may need to go on a Calcium Channel Bloker (Norvasc) to control BP. Does anyone take this stuff? I have yet to speak with the Cardiologist about it, but researching it anyway.
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Chippin' In

Chippin' In

Hi Perry,

Thanks for the update..I hope your wife and family are doing ok. Glad to hear you're 'clicking along' just fine except for that dang 'white coat syndrome'!

I would like to offer to chip in to help cover that $100.00 out of pocket. Just let me know and I'll send a check...need your address again tho. Anyone else like to jump in here ??? All for the hard work Perry has done for us and Hank..a solid way to express "Thanks"! Let's see how many can send whatever they are able!!! He may end up coming out ahead..LOL...I think just adding your amount necessary...would be nice.

Zipper *~*
What do the shirts look like?

What do the shirts look like?

Hi Perry,
I'm a relative new-comer here. I know you've already ordered the shirts, but I was wondering what's on them? What do they say? Is there a picture of the design anywhere?

If it's not too late I might want to order one, but I'd like to know a little more about it. Thanks! Jean
hi perry!
i wasw so sorry to hear of your family's loss. i hope you are all doing as well as can be expected.
i, too, would like to help with the $100.
zipper, great idea! if just a few of us contribute, it will help fray the costs.
please give us your address once more, perry.
thanks for all you've done. i know this was no little feat.
glad to hear your test went well.
be well, sylvia
I'd like to help offset the cost, but I'm in some real deep doo doo at the present time. Perhaps I can fling a few $ when I get out of trouble? :eek:

When I see you again for hopefully a summer get together with Gina,Tracy and Kathie, I will give you some moneey toward the extra expense. I feel like the others, you shouldn't have to take on this extra expense alone. You've done so much already with just making it all happen! Can't wait to get my T-shirt!
:) I will wear it proudly!

I hope you and Kathie are handling everything okay with the loss of her mother. Again, I offer my condolences to you, KAthie and family.
Are we supposed to have a stress test done once a year? My cardio didn't even do an echo on me, just listened to my ticker! Looked at my INR chart and just told me to keep on with what I was doing.
Hey Perry, how about all this HOT weather we're having and the mosquitoes? Their having fun getting some of our blood too!:D
Hi Lorraine

Can you say Memphis, TN?:D

With you on the weather here in muggy city. What happened to the wind anyway????!

Weather we grew accustomed to the last four years living in the South. Lovely isn't it? :)

Speaking of mosquitoes, are there any warnings as far was carrier disease by the little buggers? It changes from time to time, have been out of the loop.

Hope to see you soon. Perry and I had threw around the idea of a local BBQ. Sometime when it cools off!

Getting settled. Slowly. Can't stand my new GP. He's seems like a rock if you ask me. Will give him a chance. One strike and he's out. I don't mess around anymore.

Hope all is well with you.
Talk soon.....
Shirt Costs

Shirt Costs

We all (especially me) owe Perry huge thanks for the efforts he made for the shirts in behalf of

Anyone who can send him a bit to cover his out of pocket costs, please do so. He is going through enough headaches with the whole deal already.

Perry, the site is forever indebted to you for the work you have done.

You are a true friend.

Thank You.
Don't Worry About It

Don't Worry About It

Thanks for all of your willingness to keep on giving. I'm fine with the way it is and just wanted you all to understand why the shirts are taking so long. It's sort of like our surgeries, you never know how it's going to go until they start the job!

I gave the printer some other business over the weekend so they are going to give me a discount on the proof shirt.

weekycat, I have ordered a few extra shirts. Send me an e-mail and I will give you more specifics. [email protected]

Thanks again, everyone, for your support in many ways.

Look what I'm wearing!

Look what I'm wearing!

Hey T-shirt fans! I'm modeling the proof shirt for you all. It is very comfortable and the print job is great. Production should now only be a week to 10 days out. My family room will soon turn into a distribution warehouse and I should think all shirts should be delivered by the end of July. I hope you will like them as much as I do.

Thanks again for your patience and your contributions to the t-shirt fundraiser. See you in Vegas.
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Thanks Perry. You did a wonderful job putting all together.

You can save yourself the postage on my order if you wish. Lets get together soon! Tracy was wondering if you would like to do Cog Hill next weekend? Beleive he only has a twosome thus far. Give us a call one evening this week if you are free.

PS. Just noticed your comment on the Protime machine. Keep on them. Get a letter from the prescribing physician showing it is 'medically necessary'. My unit was covered at 70% under durable medical equipment. Strips were not covered at all. Now if that is not contradictory. New insurance now. Hopefully we can get the supplies covered
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Sexy Model Man

Sexy Model Man

Wow Perry - You are the next Fabio for sure.. :eek:

They look awesome!

Once again - thank you so much for all of your hard work.
Lookin good-Got a Sweater to model too? Just kidding.
I'm looking forward to both of mine and thanks for such a job well done. :D
Hank and Ross, a GQ candidate I'm not, but I'm glad the photo helps the message. I got a new Canon G2 4-megapixel camera and haven't used it much.


Are you doing ok, now?

I wish I COULD golf with Tracy, but we're off to Fartkansas for Grandma's memorial service next weekend. It is turning out to be more of a family reunion, but that's probably better for my wife anyway.

But, I will still take you up on a get together sometime soon. How about early next month? Let's set some preliminary dates and go from there. Your house or mine?

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Hi Perry,

Great modeling job! T-Shirt looks great! Like I said before, when we get a chance to get together I'll give you some money too toward the extra expense.

The Memorial/Family Reunion will be good for Kathie. Let her know I'm thinking about her in her time of grief. Its not an easy road but one I've had to travel many times before myself. Time does ease the pain of the loss of our loved ones.

BTW: Went for my INR today and it was 2.0. Cardio nurse not to happy. I was on vacation this past week and don't have my protime yet so I had no idea where I stood. The doctor did sign my papers though for the unit, so I'm going to fax them back when I get to work tomorrow. Hopefully my insurance will pay. I agree with you Gina, I can understand the machine gving you peace of mind, especially when you're on road trips! Take care and God Bless!
Hi Perry,

Doing much better now thank you. Luckily so, my doctor is still holding the rest of my blood test results from last week. Really did not have a pleasant feeling when first meeting with him in the office.

Set to see a cardiologist that comes highly recommeded in early September. Hopefully he will be able to point me in the proper direction for general care. I found my tresure of a GP in Memphis that way. Keeping my fingers crossed. It is actually very scary. Some of the quacks that are out there! Hoping I can remain healthy for the next few months. It not a good feeling when you know you are in the 'wrong hands'.

Next month sounds great. Would love to have you over to the house. Maybe the first weekend in August? Lorraine too :). Check your schedule. Will check with the hubby.

Have a save trip to Arkansas. Do me a favor and don't get lost on those 'back roads', LOL.

Give my best to Kathie
Take care
PS. Lorraine. Sorry to hear about your INR reading. Get on that home kit if you can. We can have an INR party at my house next month if you wish. Sounds fun, huh?
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That shirt looks FANTASTIC! I am SO impressed! Both Wayne and I will wear ours with pride. Thank you SO much for a job well done!

So- Perry, I envision a second career for you as a model.
Thanks for all your work on the t-shirts, you are a champ.
T-Shirt Order

T-Shirt Order

I'm so sorry I haven't been checking in on this web site. Don't know where to get all the time. I did however get your e-mai, but never did get a reply. Later found out that something has been letting me recieve mail but not send. I still cannot send. So if it is not to late I would like to order 1 ex-large and one medium T-shirts for me and my wife. We both very much appriciate all you and Hank have done along with all those wonderful people who helped us through my valve replacement last year around this time. Again I am sorry and I can recieve e-mail if you can give me any word on how to obtain your shirts. Thanks Again and I will try to listen in on all whats going on with this site, and perhaps even give my two cents of experience to someone who could use a little encouragement. Take Care Jeff H.