Shipping delay

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Production has begun, but T-shirt shipping will be delayed somewhat.

My mother-in-law (with heart troubles in Arkansas) passed away yesterday. My wife is doing ok and her mom went without much pain. She went into emergency for the 3rd or 4th time this year and just couldn't pull out of it this time. She was, however very happy with her retirement environment there. There was nothing we could do for her all the way up here in Chicagoland.

We'll be heading to Hot Springs tomorrow and trying to piece it all back together from there.

I have everyone's t-shirt money safely tucked into a special bank account and have sent the printer's deposit.

Thanks again for all your participation and showing of support for the Hank man. I'm very excited about getting the finished goods shipped to you as soon as I can.


Perry, please accept my condolences on your loss. I'm glad she went relatively peacefully. Please pass along my regards to your wife.

Don't sweat the is the time for you to be with your family.

For goodness sake, don't worry about us. Wayne and I extend our sincerest sympathy for you, your wife, and the rest of the family. It is never, never easy to loose your mom.

T-shirts should be bottom of your list. Please give my sincere sympathies to your wife and family. My thought are with you and your wife.
Dear Perry-

I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother-in-law. My condolences to your wife and to you.
oh perry,
i'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your wife's mother. please extend our condolences to her.
i hope these next to days don't pose too much difficulty for you and your family.
about the tee shirts, i'm with the rest of 'em, don't even give it a thought.
you are both on my mind. safe trip, sylvia
You have my families condolences also Perry.

T-Shirts-I'm not even giving them a thought. Deal with the family matters, as I too, go along with everyone else.
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Dear Mr and Mrs Perry - my most sincere condolences to you both. I recall, Perry, the times you posted when your mother-in-law was so ill and there was nothing much you could do. Please just give the support to your wife that she needs in this sorrowful time and we wish you a safe trip away from us. God bless
Perry is a sweetheart

Perry is a sweetheart

I?m so sorry to hear of your loss, Perry. My condolences to you and your family.

My Mom was 80 years old when she died... it was still the most traumatic thing to ever happen to me.

I just love the way you always seem to have everything in order... even making a post to us about t-shirts at this time in your life.

Give your wife a hug.

My heartfelt condolences to you, Perry, and your wife.

We will treasure our T-shirts all the more knowing what you've gone through to get them to us and offer this wonderful service to Hank and ourselves.

Thanks again,

Dear Perry,

I was sorry to read about your Mother-In-Law passing away. I want to express my sincere condolences to you, Kathie and family. My thoughts are with you. Don't worry about the T-shirts. That would be last thing on our minds at a time like this. We all understand. Have a safe trip. God Bless and take care!
Hi Perry,

Our deepest condolences to the family. Please give Kathie our best.

If you need anything, we are in Chicago now. Just a few steps away. Please call. Not getting to check in often these days. As soon as the sea of cardborad ceases, things may change.

Have a safe trip south. Like I said, if there is anything we can do, give us a ring.
Take care,
Hi Perry,

So many of us have aging and ill parents at this point in our hard to realize when we've 'lost them'. I send 'comfort' and 'TLC' to you and family and hope you can all cope and help each other thru this.

PS...what't worry about THAT!!!!

Perry and Family.

So sorry to hear your sad news

Please take comfort in knowing all your heart buddies are thinking off you all, at this very sad time

Jan ( Liverpool )

Please take your time. Your family comes first. Sorry for the loss.
Hi Perry,

Same here. No hurry! Plenty of T-shirts to wear and too hot for sweatshirts anyways....
So sorry for your loss and please pass on my condolences to Kathie!

Hi Perry!

Hi Perry!

Hi Perry,

We extend our sympath on your loss. The t-shirts are not a priority for anyone. Take care of your family first!
Dear Perry,
I wrote you about the T-shirt befor I read this page. I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts & prayers are with you. The t-shirts are the last thing you need to think about.

Sherrin Hutt
Mitri Valve repair 4/28/99
Coscrove-Cleveland, Ohio
Mitri valve repalcement 3/21/02
Norton's Hosp. Louisville,Ky
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