Sharp pain where I would imagine the ascending arch graft might be...?

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
Libertyville Illinois
Hi everyone :)

just another problem i am recently having! i have had quick shooting pains in this area once in awhile but now it is a constant sharp pain. it is 2-3 inches to the left of the top of my sternum incision. it is not the bone, but underneath pain. its like a jabbing or stabbing in a small area. the only things i could think is its probably the area where the dacron graft is? what the heck? anyone else experience this?


Constant sharp pain? Sounds like a trip to get checked-out by a doctor is in order. If the pain is constant and sharp, sooner would be better than later.

Malibu, anatomy wise anatomy wise, two or three inches to the left of your sternum should be to the left of your aortic valve and your aorta. Any number of other things could be causing this problem and I hope you have already spoken with your GP and/or Cardio. Fluid in the lung would be painful but self diagnosis is fraught with misinterpretation even though we all do it; how can we not? Let us know what your Doctors think.

well i went to the acute care center last night...they claimed they are now an emergency service and can do cardiology but they didn't even have anyone there to do an echo. i didn't want a ct scan so they did a chest xray and said everything looks normal ....i am supposed to call my cardiologist today to get in for an appt but i feel like a moron since i was just there 3 weeks ago for one. maybe it is just nerve damage zaps? who knows. its not constant anymore, just comes and goes so that is good. i just feel like such a complainer!
well i went to the acute care center last night...they claimed they are now an emergency service and can do cardiology but they didn't even have anyone there to do an echo. i didn't want a ct scan so they did a chest xray and said everything looks normal ....i am supposed to call my cardiologist today to get in for an appt but i feel like a moron since i was just there 3 weeks ago for one. maybe it is just nerve damage zaps? who knows. its not constant anymore, just comes and goes so that is good. i just feel like such a complainer!

I fully appreciate your aversion to going to the ER,
BUT, an unexplained Sharp Pain where your Aorta is located,
from a patient who has already had one Aortic Aneurysm
requires a proper evaluation to ascertain the cause IMO.

Hope it is not another aneurysm developing...
or the early signs of a disection...

You know the drill:

"When in Doubt, Check it Out !"
thanks al

i called my cardiologist today. he said he doesn't need to see me because its highly unlikely its heart related. he said it is probably just nerve damage. i guess i will just stop worrying about everything unless its an "EMERGENCY"

of course by then i will be like the little boy that cried wolf and nobody will believe me!
One of the problems I've experienced since surgery is that I've periodically had sensations/pain/discomfort that are very noticeable to me but didn't seem to impress my Doctors. I've come to realize that often they too have only a vague idea of what might be happening and that most of the time they assume it will go away on its own. If this pain continues to bother you, do not be embarrassed to discuss it with them again. This is an instance where the "squeaky wheel" does get the grease. Hey! This stuff is all new to us. There is quite a range of sensations we feel after heart surgery and, certainly, many of them are associated with the healing process; it is difficult for any of us to know which one indicates that a serious problem has developed so we have to ask our experts. Personally, I got much better responses from my family doctor than I've ever gotten from my Cardio. Perhaps, you might try a second opinion.

thanks al

i called my cardiologist today. he said he doesn't need to see me because its highly unlikely its heart related. he said it is probably just nerve damage. i guess i will just stop worrying about everything unless its an "EMERGENCY"

of course by then i will be like the little boy that cried wolf and nobody will believe me!

Well, I'm glad you talked to your cardio today and he doesn't seem worried but I can fully understand your concern and frustration! I hope that eventually the pain will go away by itself, but don't feel bad about pestering the cardio if it continues!

And you'll never be like the "little boy who cried wolf" because we will listen and worry about you!!!!

I myself have experienced jabbing pains, for along time! Most problems or discomfort I have had since surgery (2/08) continued for about 1 1/2yrs! Each time I went to the Cardio, they could not find ANYTHING WRONG. I've had echos, nuclear stress tests ect. I believe the nerve related answer is probably correct. I thought for a long time it could be the wires. It's part of the healing process for some people. My personnel feeling is it's benign, BUT please go to you're Dr. and explain your discomfort.

In the meantime, be patient and try not to worry so much.

We are here for you anytime. Take care
Larry, your post really hits home! Thanks!

Norma, you are too sweet. Thanks so much!

Kathy, it's a relief to know others have had this similar pain. Thanks!
Ditto Norma Jean -- we care! We listen! We KNOW what you are saying/feeling/worrying about/fretting over/trying to ignore/trying to describe/looking up online//////........ This recovery business is a journey in and of itself. We all think that it's the surgery we have to "survive". But they put us to sleep for that!!! And no wonder -- can you imagine all the questions we'd have of the surgeon? We would be pummeling him with questions! But he's smart...we wake up and he's gone! Darn that man! Now is when we have all the questions -- when we're in recovery! And who told us that recovery would take months? Are they kidding? I got stuff to do!!

Okay..... have I raved enough with you? cool.... okay..... off to emote somewhere else..


I had a similar experience. After a couple of days it moved into my left shoulder and arm and the pain would wake me up at night. My screaming from the pain would wake my wife. I was ready to go to the ER but realized that satins could cause muscle and joint pain. Since my over all number has always been good and my HDL low (I knew satins will not raise the HDL) I quit taking it. (Not recommending that for you) Because the pain was so sharp and involved both muscle and joint I took my best guess. Within a couple of days I had no pain. My over all cholesterol is still good and my HDL low. I have raised the HDL with a glass of wine fish oil and about 100 other supplements my dear wife pokes down me each day. If it gets worse and starts to involve other muscles and joints might want to talk with you doc if you are taking satins.
Yep! I have it in the exact same spot. It feels like a lightning bolt hitting me there. It has happened about a half dozen times in the 6 weeks post op. When I say it’s happening in the exact same way in the exact same place, I’m not kidding! It’s kind of a "gripping" sharp pain. One time, I took a deep breath during and it got worse, I immediately stood up and raised my arms and it went away.

Doc said to settle in for lost of stuff like that, its not unusual but like everyone else is saying, better safe than sorry!
john, wow it sounds like yours was really painful :( the only medicine i take is a daily aspirin though so that isn't the cause.

jake, the way you described it is the way it feels for me too! its a relief to know someone else had the same pain :) im sure like you said its just one of many feelings to come that are all normal! thank god!
I had a similar experience. After a couple of days it moved into my left shoulder and arm and the pain would wake me up at night. My screaming from the pain would wake my wife. I was ready to go to the ER but realized that satins could cause muscle and joint pain. Since my over all number has always been good and my HDL low (I knew satins will not raise the HDL) I quit taking it. (Not recommending that for you) Because the pain was so sharp and involved both muscle and joint I took my best guess. Within a couple of days I had no pain. My over all cholesterol is still good and my HDL low. I have raised the HDL with a glass of wine fish oil and about 100 other supplements my dear wife pokes down me each day. If it gets worse and starts to involve other muscles and joints might want to talk with you doc if you are taking satins.

The statin drug factor can be overcome with COQ10
I would also like to re-enforce the issue of Statins with CO-Q10. It’s for real and it works. Personally, I use Ubiquinol which is a metabolized version of CO-Q10 thus, you don’t have to take as high a dose and is specifically for folks over 30 who don’t metabolize stuff as quickly as the youngsters do. You must, however, understand WHY Statins do to muscles what they do, and not just try to cover up the side effects. Statins over long term are not the answer to high cholesterol. Originally, they were not designed for use for more than a few months. Western medicine just got lazy and started doping everyone with Statins instead of getting to the root cause of high cholesterol because it’s cheaper.

I have also found great success with Red Yeast Rice as opposed to Statin Drugs to control my cholesterol while I resolve the root cause of my high cholesterol….stress! Red Yeast Rice is the natural base that comprises Statin drugs. I was put on a fairly low dose of Symvastatin some years ago, it took two weeks for this crap to cripple me. In days it started in my large muscles with un-relenting pain, and progressed to smaller muscle groups within 2 weeks. I was switched to Privastatin (a weaker Statin) with similar results. Ubiquinol took away 80% of the pain and made it tolerable. Statins cause your muscles to become oxigen deprived (your heart being a muscle, this is not a good thing). Co-Q10 and Ubiquinol help to increase oxygenation by replacing the Co-Q10 Statins remove as a side effect. Statins will break down muscle tissue and this causes pain, dysfunction and high levels of lactic acid which damages your liver and kidneys in many people.

I encourage anyone who wishes to should take the time to do their own research before using these potentially dangerous drugs. Don’t take my word or opinion, in the long run, that’s all they are. Remember over all however that doctors are supposed to HELP us get better, ultimately it’s our responsibility to seek their help. If we let them do it all, they will drug us to death!