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Hello to all! I've noticed since my heart problems that when I am cold I shiver all over and shake. Does anyone else have that problem? What causes it? I used to be able to tolerate the cold weather very well. I grew up in Connecticut and loved the cold weather but now, I dread the cold. Does this put extra stress on the heart? Curious:confused:
Can't say that I have the "shakes," but the cold certainly affects me differently now than before my surgery. I sleep with more covers while my husband is sleeping with a sheet, I bundle up when I know I'm going to be outdoors and others just have on a light jacket - I just think of it as one of those mysterious things that developed since my surgery.........hope you hear from others that have more advice......I live in Texas and it's not even cold yet - can't wait to see how I am when "winter" does get here!
Hi Alicia-

If Joe gets too chilled, he will shiver and shake. He also has a hard time breathing in the cold air. He doesn't spend a lot of time out in the cold weather. He thinks it might be Coumadin, but it could be his heart situations.