Sex is good for a man's heart!

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Just found this latest health news flash.

Hmm.. think I need to do further research..


Sex Is Good for a Man's Heart

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January 17, 2002 10:29 am EST

LONDON (Reuters) - Frequent sex won't increase the chances of a heart attack in middle-aged men, research showed on Thursday.
Nearly 1,000 men aged 45-59 were recruited in and around the Welsh town of Caerphilly and tracked for 20 years.

A quarter said they did the deed at least twice a week, whilst one in five performed less than once a month. The rest came somewhere in between.

The research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, concluded that there was no clear evidence of more frequent sex increasing the chances of a stroke.

Those who had sex less than once a month were more likely to suffer sudden death from heart disease, although the likelihood decreased as the men got older.

With the evidence in mind, the researchers concluded that, based on a lifetime of sex once a week (on average) for 50 years, only one in 580 men might die as a result of sexual exertions.

Donesnt say anything about women. How come we miss out on the good studies........ It obviously takes two:D