Sex after surgery

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My Surgeons PA said ok at 3 weeks if I felt okay. My husband is still a no go on actually "doing it", but the other fun things still work. I too as worried that it wouldn't work but it did.
cricky cant believe some of these posts, i must have been worse than i thought,at 1 week i was just about able to climb the stairs without keeling over,you guys are supermen and women :)
Wow - I am impressed. I asked my surgeon about 4 months post op and he even thought about it then and said ok for adult activities. I would have been really afraid to work my heart that much. Also my chest was really sore. It took a long time to be able to bounce around in bed. LOL Guess I am very conservative with that new valve working away inside my heart. I thought it would be embarassing to show up at the ER naked in a blanket! Pat
This is something I've thought about since my first surgery which is now 7 years ago.

I'm wondering if the discharge nurses/PA/Doctors give ground rules for when sex is okay more to men than women?

Both my surgeries, no one mentioned a word about sex to me. They sure knew I am married. :)
How many women had it mentioned? How many of the guys?
Yes, they did talk to me about it. I can't remember exactly what they said, I'd have to go pull my discharge papers to check, but it seems like they said something like when I felt strong enough I could have at it! HA!
Dirty deprived woman reporting for duty!:angel:

*raises eyebrow*

Ya know ... I could be of service, if need

*rolls eyes*

Nobody mentioned it to me, but then - a night nurse did catch us in my bed..:angel:

Why does this not surprise me????


Hi, darlin'!


As for me ... still waiting.....

Cort | 37.m.IL.pigValve.pacemaker | 5 Monte Carlos + 1 Caprice Classic | * CruiseNites_2011_Chi.IL *
MCs.CC + CHD.models.HO.legos.RadioShows + RoadTrips.us66 =
"All the water in the ocean couldn't put out the fire this time" __ Atlanta __ 'Atlanta Burned Again Last Night'
The first hospital had it in the papers that it was okay as soon as I felt up to it. Obviously, for either sex, it's "non-patient-superior" position. I never read the badly xeroxed discharge papers from the second hospital.

You can't pick who might develop an arrhythmia from it, but it seems to be pretty rare from the forums.

Five months and he had to think about it? Another reason not to trust doctors with everything...

Best wishes,
Sex, what is that? I am about 5 weeks post op, and my wife says NO WAY, and she is a nurse, she could do cpr no problem! But in all honesty, she said no BEFORE the surgery as well LOL!!!!

I am thinking it I will be wearing shorts and a t shirt long before she gives in!
It really is quiet around the forum. Guess we can talk about anything we want and no one will ever be the wiser.

So, although I don't remember when I first had sex after surgery, I do remember sex was the #1 item on my "to do" list the day I entered the hospital . . . set the alarm early to be on the safe side.

I try to plan ahead.

I don't know how you were able to do that! My scrotum was the size of a grapefruit from the heart catheterization procedure and subsequent OHS just three days later. I'm now 13 days post-op and while things have finally gotten back to, ahem, normal size, I just don't have the deisre to engage in any sex. I did experience some A-fib in the hospital 3-days post-op (which the surgeon said is common after the heart has been cut), but it was not something I want to experience anytime soon. Took about 3 hours for my heart to call down with Amiodorone, which I'm taking in pill form now since I've left the hospital.