Sex After Heart Surgery

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If yall think this is sexy, switch over to the chat real fast.. :D All women until Dave and Bob showed up..then we had to cool it. :p :p :p plus I had to eat..Bonnie
This thread will break all longevity records if it continues :cool: this way.
Granbonny said:
If yall think this is sexy, switch over to the chat real fast.. :D All women until Dave and Bob showed up..then we had to cool it. :p :p :p plus I had to eat..Bonnie

Sex talk makes you hungry, Bonnie?

Well, first there was the "Big O", then "wife beaters" and "do-rags"; now D & C oops, I mean B & D and A & C. Makes my head spin. I prefer a simple "IT"


I need to clarify...B and D and A and C...bra cup sizes... :rolleyes: I haven't ventured into actual B and D or whatever you can make out of A and C !!!


I thought you were into AC/DC :D :D :D :D Glad to find out you are not..Like you..all man :p :p :p Ann..Hubby cooks every Sunday so I can chat from 5-7 P.M...He gets mad when I don't stop to eat his cooking. :D :D Bonnie
Mary said:
This thread will break all longevity records if it continues :cool: this way.
It's already there!!!! :D

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Now Anne,

Now Anne,

When a woman reaches a certain age her body changes and..................... ;) ;)
Originally Posted by Mary
This thread will break all longevity records if it continues this way.

It's already there!!!! :)

If it continues like this, I'm thinking it will be unreachable by any other new threads that might be started. So to give it a boost, I'll ask Hensylee what has occured in her life that makes her think she might be pregnant.
Mary :confused:
Gisele and Mary:

well after I read the following, I decided not to be pregnant:

Women of a certain age don't have babies because they would put them down and forget where they left them. :D :p
Oh, darn, Ann

Oh, darn, Ann

And I was going to ask you to give the baby to me.. :D Cause I cannot have anymore, either. :p :p :p :p Reminds me of when I left my age 2 year old son with hubby in store in Atlanta. Snowing, ect. I said watch him..He said O.K. I went next door and coming back, who did I see, my age 2 year old son coming out revolving door. :eek: :eek: I walked up to hubby and said, where is Wes..He turns and says..He was here a few minutes ago. :eek: :eek: :eek: A 2 year old can be in the next state in 1 minute if not watching them. :eek: That's a MAN for you...Bonnie
Quetlin said:
From sex to forgetting the baby in just 300 replies. I think I am 299 so next one gets the big


Thank you...thank you very much ;).

I need to learn about cup sizes.... And, a few of those other things you mentioned, I do believe.............. ;)'re premature're premature

Mr Cort.......Although you are post #300, remember that we are counting the replies, so the first post doesn't count.

I remember when this thread was around 160 posts I wondered if it would make 200.....well, thanks to Ann getting her 'groove' back and going night-tripping for four days with her 'knight in shining armour' we've managed to keep it alive to 300.

The three letter word is a pretty big subject so I think it might go a bit further...anyway Cort, hang in there and one of these days I'll join you on one of your road-trips and help you to understand these cup sizes and a few other things as the meantime maybe you should ask Ann for any urgent advice you might need...

Way to go, Billy!

Way to go, Billy!

Well put, Billy! Just the right amount of innuendo to keep things humming along for a bit.