Seen any good movies lately?

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Hi Folks, I'm a big film fan and earlier in my life, I wanted to be a film maker. I made a number of short experimental films on super 8 and wrote a couple of good papers on the subject while in college. Well, life didn't go that way. I still like to go see cinema on the big screen and enjoy the DVD version too. Has anyone seen anything that stands out lately? I liked both the Aviator and Million Dollar Baby for different reasons and this is a hard one to pick the better film. Will
The "Aviator" was great but I really liked "Finding Neverland". It has everything, love, humor, sadness, creativity, etc. etc.
Also, the remake of Flight of the Phoenix" was unexpectedly good.
Another contraversial film (which I am probably going to regret saying so) that was very well written and acted (if not a bit unusual) is "Birth" with Nicole Kidman.
However, they are all still impossible to beat any 1950s or 1960s film with Gregory Peck.
"Meet The Fockers" was really good. Excellent actors, including the Stiller boy (his parents did good, didn't they?) Barbra Streisand makes an oustanding Jewish mother and played the part to the hilt. Dustin Hoffman, as her husband really put himself into the part, too. And the baby - well, you gotta go see it.

Can't wait for the third one.
Find we never get to the movies except here in FL. Have seen "The Aviator" and "Meet the Fockers"- loved them both.
Yea, "Finding Neverland", excellent. There are alot of emotions there and I think Johnny Depp is one of the best actors in the business. My girlfriend took me to see "The Phantom of the Opera" and I was surprised, it turned out to be a really good musical film. I've seen some of the director's earlier stuff and I can't believe he came of with something this well gone. We had seen the play 2 weeks before and both the movie and live play were so good, it's hard to pick the better of the two. Will
Unfortunately I have a husband who isn't crazy about going to movies. With my daughter away at college (my movie partner) I don't get to see much until it's on DVD. (I have a too big collection of DVD's but when I like a movie I can watch it over and over again.)

I've been aiming to see Million Dollar Baby and Finding Neverland. I also would like to see The Wedding Date. It looks like just a cute, funny movie.


I think I have hear of them but what exactly is a movie??? I thought they were something from the past. OH I guess they must just be a part of MY past! :D I have a 4 year old and an eight year so the most excitment I see is cartoons!! How sad is this, the last movie I actually went to was Yu Gi Oh! Not sure how good it was since I didn't understand most of it! :confused: I guess you have to be eight to get it.
Our favorite by far-SIDEWAYS! Original, witty, fine cinematography, and oh, I almost forgot....SEXY!
I just recently purchased Friday Night Lights (since it was never in stock at Blockbuster as a rental) and really enjoyed it. We're big football fans, plus we have a high school son on a varsity team (not football) and really identified with the obsessive nature of some of the parents in the film. Tim McGraw really plays his angry-parent role very well. The film also depicts the fanaticism of those small town residents have for their high school football. My brother lived down there for a few years while in the military and said it seemed very accurate.

I give it two thumbs up.
I agree with "Sideways", very,very good! I've been to the wine region of California a few times and could indentify with that part. Enjoyed the character study of the two guys also. I hope it wins something at the Oscars. Will
Karlynn, My collection of DVDs is getting big also. Sometime I'll see them twice, once on the big screen and then get a DVD for the extras (also with foreign films, I have more time to read the subtitles and see what's on the screen at the same time). Anyone out there like SciFi? Will
Saw Phantom - thought it was great also. So many people did not like it but I don't understand what they were looking for. I did not see the play so maybe I didn't have a preconceived idea.
Sci-Fi - absolutely. Older great films - Bladerunner, Outland, Stargate, Fifth Element, 12 Monkeys and, of course, the Star Wars originals (have a set on laser disc that is terrific).
Have a huge movie collection - am a homebody mostly and do not like network TV so spend a lot of time watching movies.
Another great "fun" sci-fi movie - Night of the Comet.
My kids' friends call our house Anderbuster Video, a take off on Blockbuster, because I have so many DVD's.

Ross - you can get a DVD player for $35 now!
Gina, Tell me a little about The Fifth Element. I think I've might have seen part of that on TV, was it sort of comical? Blade Runner, 12 Monkeys, 2001, Alien are some of my favorites. One SciFi film I think is highly underrated is Solaris with George Clooney, there's something about it I really like. It's a remake of a Russian film and seems to be about feelings of guilt more then anything else. Solaris disappeared very fast at the box office. An older SciFi film that had a nice enviromental edge to it was Silent Running with Bruce Dern. Will
I follow movies quite closely, yet don't seem to see as many as I would like. Really enjoyed the Aviator, Million Dollar Baby and Hero. Would love to see Friday Night Lights (would also like to hear from our Texas members their thoughts about this).

However, a movie I had never heard of we rented this weekend was wonderful. An Australian film called Danny Deckchair. You all should try this one out.
Glenn and I saw Friday Night Lights at the theater. I really liked it, he didn't think much of it. But he isn't a real movie lover either. I usually have to drag him. Tim McGraw can act too!

My daughter took me to see Garden State. Definately a movie aimed at the 20-something crowd, but I thought it was good. It has somewhat of a commentary on how our society tries to medicate away our problems, but then we also lose the ability to be happy as well.
Fifth Element is a Bruce Willis movie where he plays a cab driver that ends up saving a being who is needed to save the earth. She is actually a human infused with the genes of a dead alien and she has the knowledge to activate a weapon that can destory a planetoid being sent to destory earth by an evil being. The scenes go from the middle east to a future city to a interplanetary cruise ship and the various messes Willis manages to get out of. It is a fabulous special effects movie as well as an interesting story line.
Love the Alien movies (have the DVD collection). Silent Running is one of my favorites as well - still stands the time test.
You are right about Solaris. I was not going to watch it because I tried to watch the orginal which I could not get into. However I decided to watch the George Clooney one and found it to be very thought provoking and well done.
A few other favorites - The Abyss, Altered States and, although not really sci-fi, Jason and the Argonauts (the orginal) and Clash of the Titans.
And don't forget the Planet of the Apes series. :D
I recently watched "The Incredibles" which was just hilarious!!! Otherwise I haven't had a chance to watch much lately.

There was a thread on here a while ago about everyone's favourite films, which you might want to check out.

For something different, I saw a film called "The Following" which was written and directed by the same person who did "Memento" with Guy Pierce. It was one of those films with 101 different and unpredictable (for a change) plot turns that you could watch over and over and still find things you'd missed. Very clever.

Anna : )