See ya on the other side!

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Hey Sheila,
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
See you on the other side of the mountain.:)
Will be waiting for the updates.
Go Sheila!

Go Sheila!

Hi Sheila--you sound wonderfully upbeat and positive. You'll be on the other side with us before you know it, and then you'll wonder what you were so nervous about! Thanks Cooker for keeping us updated, you know how we worry!

Show time for you and me Shelia

Show time for you and me Shelia

I had my pre-surgery visit this afternoon---all went well except for that narly soap they ask me to wash in on Mon.morning----just wait Shelia! Seriously, I will have a prayer on my mind for you and me as I roll in to surgery Monday morning. We will be fine and live better and healthier lives because of these procedures. Let's compare notes when we can post again. God speed and see you "on the other side of the mountain" Sandy
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I,m scheduling my double valve replacement for early November, so I'll be very interested in how your recovery works out. Good luck, and God bless! Marcie