Screaming and crying!

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I just left my neighbor's house screaming and crying because she started telling me horror stories about being awake during surgery and developing some code so that the surgeon would know I wasn't fully anthestized. I feel very upset, angry, and a bit embarassed at my outburst, but enough already. She said she was only trying to help, but that's when I started yelling! I can't see how it would be helpful to increase my anxiety with such stories. She apologized and I ungraciously replied that she "should be sorry" for being so self-absorbed and scary.

I also got the news that my sister in law will not be able to take care of me after sugery...It was her idea to come out and help me for a week or two after surgery, so I do have other people to help but it is just another thing to worry about.

I guess I am just ranting, but I imagine it will all look better in the morning.

Not to worry. I was very, very sick last year (my surgery anniversary is on 08/17) and frankly I suppose my surgery was one of the easiest parts of the ordeal. You'll be gone in la-la land while a highly professional surgical team tends to you. What's so difficult about that?

I was too sick upon entering the hosp. to have to worry about pending surgery -- or anything else for that matter. You've apparently had too much time to worry. Keep a positive outlook and before you know it, the whole nightmare will be behind you. I'm not necessarily the happiest person that I know, in general, but somehow I knew, even during the worst of times, that all would eventually be okay -- and it was.

Good luck and keep smiling! :)
Hi Kristi

Hi Kristi

Hello there!!
You are going to be fine, ( Maybe your neighhbour has been watching too many horror movies !! ) Some folks just thrive on scaring other people.
My husband Ernie had AVR in March this year, it was either that or they gave him approx 6 months so we really did not have an option.
He was given a pre-med in the ward and was totally out of it before they even wheeled him down the corridor and into the theatre. His first memory post op was when I squeezed his hand in ICU
The anaesthetist was brilliant, and your's will be too.
Try to calm down, before you know it , it will all be over and you will be letting us know how well you are doing.
Saying prayers & sending you positive thoughts and very best wishes
Ernie & Wendy
Kristi don't even think twice about it. You'll be out........WAY OUT and you are not going to know anything until your done and out of surgery. Even then, your not going to be "With it" for quite a while afterwards. You'll pretty much be kept well sedated for the first 24 hours.

The aftercare thing is nothing to worry about either. They want someone with you for a week at least afterwards, but it's for safety sake. It's not going to be so totally overwhelming that you can't handle it.

Relax. I know it's easier said then done. When it's all over, you'll ask yourself why you got so upset to start with. Were human, we do that!
Chicken Little was wrong, too!!

Chicken Little was wrong, too!!

Kristi, don't let others get you down. The worst part of this whole deal is the part you're in now -- worrying and anxiously waiting. The surgery will fly by without you knowing anything. By the time you're REALLY awake, it will all be over and you'll be on your way to a speedy recovery. Virtually all of us have encountered some numskull with a sadistic, uninformed story who will unwittingly stress you out. One guy told me that heart surgery patients could never have conventional sex again. :eek: Another "friend" counseled me to close my practice and send my clients away. :( Both were way wrong and I'll know to take their advice with a MINE OF SALT next time.

I'd like to echo what Wendy & Ernie and Ross confirmed earlier, you and the operation are gonna be fine -- and the people who REALLY know are HERE. All you have to do now is commit to yourself to be healthy and patient. It sounds like you'll have plenty of caring support to help you through, without your well-meaning sister-in-law and neighbor with ghost stories.

Good luck and go get 'em. -- Jim

P.S. Did you know that if you kiss a frog . . . (just kidding.)
I have to admit, I thought about that too. Somehow being awake during the surgery. I've never been under anesthesia before so I don't know if I'm the type that's hard to sedate or what. Part of me worried that I'd be like, so incredibly aware of what's about to happen, that the anesthesia wouldn't affect me. Like I said, I know that's not gonna happen. But I did think about it.
jayaresq said:
One guy told me that heart surgery patients could never have conventional sex again. :eek:
Now wait a minute, are you telling me that I can have sex? Looks like I've been lied too again. :eek: :D Girls, why haven't you straightened this matter out for me? I'm really getting tired of being the last one to know. :(
Ross said:
Now wait a minute, are you telling me that I can have sex? Looks like I've been lied too again. :eek: :D Girls, why haven't you straightened this matter out for me? I'm really getting tired of being the last one to know. :(

Be careful, Ross. It was the "conventional" part that concerned me!!

Kristi -- Don't mind us or your neighbor! -- Jim
We all have "ill meaning" friends like that. Dick was told similar horror stories by a bypass patient before he went in for his AVR and I almost yanked the phone out of his hand to hang up on the bearer of bad news! It's just not true- you will be thouroughly out, will not remember a thing of the operation and not a lot of your time in ICU either. Relax, and we look forward to your post-op posts with all good news. :)
Hi, thought I would add my "2 cents".. I just had surgery and do not remember much at all until a wonderful nurse was rubbing my back and giving me the "blessed ice chips". I don't know how others feel, but I think I have gotten as much if not more support from the people here than my well meaning friends, who seem to only want to tell stories about themselves!!!! Am I right? My family has been great, but the best advice I have gotten about different things has been here. We are the people who have experienced this and are in the know.. You will be fine. I find myself just staying away from the negative people, thank God for Caller ID!!!!!!! Rose
Oh, honey--

Please put those thoughts right out of your mind. Joe's had five thoracic surgeries, and several other major surgeries, and he was way, way out for all of them. I've had a few surgeries also, and don't remember a thing.

Remember that when you go in for heart surgery you will have the BEST anesthesiologist and staff that is available in the hospital. They specialize in this type of surgery. These guys are experts at what they do. You will be monitored very, very carefully. All will be well.
Thank You All!

Thank You All!

I feel better this morning and certainly more relieved after reading all the posts. You all certainly have more experience than my neighbor does and i just need to remember to limit my exposure to her hysterical banter!

thanks again
Kristi, I can't believe someone telling you this just before you are about to have surgery. Some friend! Avoid her for the time being. Only think of the way you will feel a few months after the surgery. So much better! !

I've had numerous surgeries and this has always been in the back of my mind "what if they don't get me to sleep, because I am very hard to put under." Well, guess what I never recalled a thing until after it was all over and I was in recovery. I was in la la land. You will make it over the mountain just fine and remember we are all here for you with "encouraging" words.
It never fails. There is always someone who knows someone whose "friend" had something unbelieveably horrible happened to them, whether it involves heart surgery, eating seafood in the tropics, or buying a house in San Diego.

The reason these sound so unbelievable is that they are. The stories are concocted with just the slightest amount of realism to allow people to believe. The supermarket rags are full of them. The web is also loaded with horror stories like that. Wake up in a room with no kidney, taken for transplants, etc.

The neighbor is an idiot. Telling that story made her feel important, like she was divulging a secret truth. She may even be foolish enough to believe it herself. It's a load of malarkey, though.

Rest assured that you will be fully asleep for the procedure. You are monitored thoughout, and they would be well aware if you were anywhere near consciousness.

I'm so sorry you were exposed to this nonsense.

Best wishes,
Oh, Kristi, how awful for you! That neighbor has been watching too many of the old Alfred Hitchcock movies!!

Anesthesia is such a science today. (not like in the "good old days"--I'm nearly 75) I always knew I would be getting a wicked headache, but not today. Also knew I would be whooping my cookies, but not today. And now they bring you out of a deep sleep and you wonder what the fuss was all about!

Did she also tell you about my late father-in-law who was operated on on top of the kitchen table with a few whiffs of ether and lived to be 93? Everyone has a story to tell. Just thank God for the progress that has been made.

You'll do great! Barb
The nerve of some people! But that was one of my biggest fears before my surgery too! However, I learned in my anesthesiology class in vet school that in human surgery they give you a drug that's supposed to be an amnesiac (sp?). I'm not sure how true that is, but I'll believe it. I've had two heart surgeries and don't remember a thing between the happy drugs to waking up both times. You'll be fine! And be glad that we live in such modern times, that kitchen table story makes me shudder...

your anesthetist will be on the spot and know exactly where you're at - out-wise. Not to worry. Don't visit your neighbor til after surgery - or tell her not to talk about anything medical if she insists on seeing you. She might just turn out to be helpful afterward. Never know



conventional sex - I thought that's all there was. Far as I'm concerned, go ahead.
I have to admit that was one of my biggest fears....especially after having a not-so-great experience with the heart cath. The morning of surgery, they wheeled me in to pre-op and gave me a shot. They told me my mouth would start getting dry, I would relax and I would probably go to sleep. I STAYED WIDE AWAKE and was more nervous than ever that the anesthesia was not going to work. I told the anestheisiolgist of my fear and he promised everything would be okay. They then rolled me into the operating room, transfered me to the table and gave me a little shot in the IV. I don't remember anything else until 10:30 that night!!! It worked instantly!
Try not to worry (easier said than done, I know!) - it will all be okay!
As my husband's grandfather told him once, when he had broke something trying to help - "YOU JUST WISH SHE WASN'T SO HANDY!" ;)
People really don't know what to say, and some people don't know when NOT to say ANYTHING!. Sounds like she is the later. I don't know about other people, but I REALLY don't remember NOTHING about the surgery. The last thing I saw was lights & the heart lung machine. Then the NEXT thing I saw were family faces and nurses. I only saw them briefly. Then it was to the snooze mobile. I was concerned with hurting, but thinking back on it now, I don't remember alot of that. God is your guide & he is watching. That is all you need in the drivers seat. He will take gooooood care of you. Good luck & God Bless! ;)
The last thing I remember before the surgery is the anesthesiologist coming to the prep room and introducing himself... I don't even remember my husband giving me a good luck kiss. I was completely zonked. After surgery I vaguely remember the nurse speaking very loudly to 'wake' me up in ICU. Barely remember anything for the next 12-15 hours. Ahhh, drugs can be good. :)


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