Scottie - Jess- European Friends Chat Suggestion

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Hey Scottie... Jessika and I were just discussing the chat problem with you two being in Europe. How about this.... We could chat at 7 p.m. your time... which would be 8 p.m. Jessika's time and 11 a.m. my time. Would that work for you???? Any day is fine... how about we just check the chat room everyday until we get it figured out?

Anyone else please join us.... I am on Pacific time so I am 3 hours from Eastern, 2 hours Central and 1 hour Mountain. Hope to see you there!!!

Take care,


great idea ...I missed it tonight ...but I'll try tomorrow ..Friday ..okay
Well dang it!!! Here I suggested it and I wasn't even home!!! Sorry... had an appt. that lasted longer than I thought it would. Won't be able to do it tomorrow either as I have to go out of town. :(

I will be a better little Zazzy next week... I PROMISE!!! lol

Take care,


Sorry folks ..was on my home tonight ..nice and early and well organised for once ...with the long night ahead of me ..a little chat and then relax in front of the fire ,,,Friday night ,,...when the car ,two cars in front of me ...went out of control ...resulting in six car pile up ..with at least 3 people dead ......feeling quite ummmm...blessed I guess ..there for the Grace of God go I ..tonight ..anyway ....missed the chat .....four hrs later ....I managed to get home took that long for them to clear the road so I missed the chat .....sorry folks
I'll try again Scottie
OMG Scottie - thank heavens you are ok. Try to just settle down and relax.

I, too, missed the chat. Had to sit my 7 mo old great gdaughter at last minute and she was here from 12:45 til 4 (sound asleep - but I couldn't put her down - she'd wake up). Will try again each day til we get it down pat.

Again, thank goodness you are ok. God blessed you
My Goodness Shona! I am so glad that you are okay!!!! I am sorry for the families that lost loved ones and I will pray for them.

Rest up and we can try again another day. Send me an email whenever you feel like a chat either here or at WebMD. [email protected] and I'll come running if I'm on the puter!!!

Take care,


Thank god you are ok, Scottie! Don't worry about the no-show - I am just happy you are ok!! I found someone to chat with for about half an hour at the designated time :) before I had to go and clean the house again. We'll meet up one of these days, like Zazz said, either here or in Webmd!

/jessica :D