scheduled surgeon consult

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Met with my cardiologist this morning prepared to request a consult with a surgeon but before I could ask he suggested it himself. he feels surgery is in my near future and sooner is better than later. thanks for all the great input recently, it has been extremely helpfull knowing what I might expect next. I will say that I havnt experienced Kaisers reputation for delay, a little confusing maybe but I havnt felt any need to push for any kind of action, if anything they are moving along at a faster pace than Im comfortable with. My cardio didnt think Kaiser used bovine valves (more cow bell), somehow that appeals to me more than a pig valve, does anyone know? I am also considering the St Jude even though Im not catholic. Im kidding! Thanks,Kman
Kman, good for you, things are moving along....steady and sure.
Don't freak out on the process, I found it very comforting to talk to the surgeon..... who I ended up really liking (more than my cardio).
And you may have hit the nail on the St.Jude is definitely a religious experience for me.:)
Thanks for the update. It sounds like things are moving along. I can't help you with your question about the valve, but wanted to send you best wishes. Preparing for OHS is never "comfortable" but you seem to be doing everything right. You'll do fine.

With your sense of humor, you're going to do just great. :D

My comeback to the standard "Bless your heart!" when people react to news of my husband's and my MV surgeries is "Please do!"
Keep that in mind. You will hear "Bless your heart" many many times. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I'd be a millionaire today.