Scary experience

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
Chloe totally scared the S**T out me and my mum today. Mum had just come and picked us both up from school (our car in garage) and we were walking down to the car when Clo ran ahead and disappeared round a corner into a car park for a block of flats. We called her and she didnt answer so we assumed she was hiding. We carried on up to where she'd gone and something in me just knew she wasnt there and worried before we even got to the corner (mummy instinct again i think). Mum was ahead of me, looked for her and panicking slightly told me she wasnt there. We called her, looked round the cars for her, i YELLED her name in the middle of street, by this time I was in tears, imagining all sorts and ready to call 999. Mum is normally very calm but even she was worried now. I cannot even explain how i felt - panic doesnt begin to describe it! We were both yelling her name, both crying, neighbour had come out and was looking up the road too - when she jumped out, yelling 'gotcha!' from behind a wall in the car park!! I went ballistic at her, told her how stupid it was, reduced her to tears, told her about stranger danger then cuddled her to bits - still makes me shiver to think about it. Little madam!!!!
Just had to share my scary experience
Off to have strong drinks before bed!

Love Emma
What a roller coaster ride parenting is. How can the little dears be so wonderful one moment and reduce you to panic and tears the next. The toughest part is this was all so innocent on her part - just trying to have fun.

How sad that we live in a world where kids can't be kids because of crazy people.

Glad all turned out well and cuddling solved all the problems (along with the alcohol :D ;) ).
Wow that would be scary!! I worry constantly about my kids. I guess once you become a parent you also become a worrier. Glad everything worked out ok. It's really sad that we have to worry about kidnapping or worse. Unfortunatly, you just never know.

Thanks for sharing your story.

What an awful feeling that was! I'm guessing she's not going to try that one again. I was always fearful that my kids would fall prey to someone evil. I gave them all the "Don't do's" Don't go off with someone you don't know, no matter how nice they are, don't help anyone look for a lost puppy, etc etc. Teaching them that some bad people can actually look and act nice. It's such a worry.

We had a family password and told our kids that if anyone came to school, or approached them on the way home, or anywhere I or there Dad wasn't immediately around, that this person should also know the password. They new they could go with people from the family, but anyone else had to have the password.

I hope your drink was a tasty one!
I bet it took awhile for you to calm down, that has got to be one of the worst things they get up to, very scarey. Curtis scared me s**t less last week. I was alittle ahead of him on the way home from school, i stopped to wait for him when he clutched his chest, fell to his knees and then rolled over. I panicked and was in shock, so i just screamed out his name. Thats when he got up laughing his head off and said it was only a joke. I didnt see the funny side but i just let him off with a slight warning :eek: and told him never to do it again. The joys of parenting :D
I remember a few times when we couldn't find one of the boys. I always panicked. I called 911 and had the police out looking for them. It is the worst feeling in the world. They never did it intentionally, but if they had, they would have never done it again. :eek:
You my dear, deserve a stiff drink! :)
Oh, goodness, Emma, that is just frightening. I remember when my oldest was in fifth grade, he and the boy down the street were out in the woods for close to six hours. My husband and the other father were scouring the woods and the nearby field for hours before they found them. I was hysterical to say the least. When he finally came home, I didn't know whether to hug him or throttle him, but the hugging urge won out, thankfully. I can truly feel your pain.
I feel your pain, a couple of months ago, my 4 year old decided he would go out of the house go running about the neighborhood. I was FRANTIC looking everywhere for him, and finally, I looked up the street(we lived on a very busy street), and he was running around in traffic. There was a line of cars stopped, because he would run into the street and out of the street. I had one of my friends out looking for him as well. I was extremely mad at him, and my oldest son because he was the one who let him out of the house. Awe, the pain of parenthood when your kids decide to run off. They all do it once!
I feel you!!!

I feel you!!!

When my youngest child was about 20 mos. old she wandered off in Stein Mart (a popular clothing store in Houston). I began quietly looking for her, once I noticed she was missing (trying to stay calm).

Finally, I started asking people if they'd seen a little girl (all the while imagining all of the inhumane things my husband would do to me when he found out I'd lost the kid).

Well, eventually a sales person asked me if she was wearing a . . . . I said she was and she took me to where my daughter was. She was shopping away. She had picked up severl items off the lower racks and flung them across her arm. She was not the least bit afraid nor was she glad to see me--as I interrupted her shopping.

Just goes to show ya'. They have minds of their own.
Ditto the stout drink..........

Ditto the stout drink..........

How scary! Many hugs being sent and very, very grateful that you had a happy ending. Much love. J.
You poor thing, that had to be so scary. My husband sort of "lost" a 4 year old boy we were watching for some friends a few months back too, so I sort-of understand, but not near the same when its YOUR child. (This little boy just up and decided he was going inside the nextdoor neighbor's house to play without asking.) :eek: But, glad your little miss is okay now!!! Take some deep breaths!!