Well-known member
Learn to use breathing to instill calm. Place yourself in the hands of the medical team not just physically, but emotionally. Understand that the odds of dying in surgery are not very high at all. About the same as drowning, accidental poisoning or even riding a motorcycle, and you are four times more likely to be killed by a fire arm than die in surgery. Of course the difference is that the four listed above are things that are happening to you involuntarily, and there is little time to prepare for them so the fear manifests itself at the time of the event. Surgery is something that you can see coming, and sometimes, from a long way off, so the fear comes before the event. This is where the breathing exercises and faith in your medical practitioners will help.
And don't forget that fear is normal. Of all of our emotions, it is undoubtedly the most important if not the most pleasant.
And don't forget that fear is normal. Of all of our emotions, it is undoubtedly the most important if not the most pleasant.