Scared half to death

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If you are basing such a serious methodology of treatment off of some hard facts, then please also post your references for such. We do not allow members to lay out treatment plans in regards to life and death situations.

If you can cite some official studies of information for these claims, then we can discuss those. WE do not want to get into the mode of members saying "hey, try this, I think it might work well enough so that you don't have to call the hospital. This is a bit of a danger zone.

Please either use your sources, or discontinue your postings on this technique.
Same Fears

Same Fears

I just had Mitral Valve Repair 9 days ago, so I remember well all the fears I had going in. My biggest concern (for whatever reason) was the breathing tube that I knew I was going to wake up with. As it turns out, it really wasn't that bad. Check that, actually I really don't know. From what I recall, it was pretty unpleasant, but my entire memory of the event is about ten seconds. You will be EXTREMELY sedated when it is removed. Other than that, my only complaint from that first night was that I couldn't seem to get my head and neck comfortable.

I won't lie to you, the tube removal was unpleasant. To my recollection, I awoke with 11 different tubes/wires in my body, and they were removed in stages during the two days after surgery. Once again, some of them were pretty unpleasant, but here's the good news: none of them hurt after they are removed. That is to say that they hurt coming out, but it goes away immediately after the 1-2 seconds it takes to remove them.

Anyways, keep as positive as you can. The fixes are really straightforward these days, so the best thing you can look forward to is being fixed and on the road to recovery!
Welcome, Praline!

Have you seen a surgeon? Honestly, if the cardio thinks that surgery is required, I'd bypass the second cardiologist opinion and go directly to a surgeon; maybe with a second surgeon's opinion. It's rare that a cardio would suggest surgery and a surgeon wouldn't - cardio's usually want to wait, surgeons want to fix. You're in the enviable position of having a cardio who wants to get your heart repaired before damage occurs. Feel blessed (check out the posts on these forums by those who can't get a cardiologist to even believe they have problems!).

Even tho you've been given meds to take some of the strain off your heart, you have a mechanical problem that can only be solved by a good surgeon.

Best of luck, and Merry Christmas.
Georgia said:
Welcome, Praline!

Have you seen a surgeon? Honestly, if the cardio thinks that surgery is required, I'd bypass the second cardiologist opinion and go directly to a surgeon; maybe with a second surgeon's opinion. It's rare that a cardio would suggest surgery and a surgeon wouldn't - cardio's usually want to wait, surgeons want to fix. You're in the enviable position of having a cardio who wants to get your heart repaired before damage occurs. Feel blessed (check out the posts on these forums by those who can't get a cardiologist to even believe they have problems!).

Even tho you've been given meds to take some of the strain off your heart, you have a mechanical problem that can only be solved by a good surgeon.

Best of luck, and Merry Christmas.

Good point, Georgia. I heartily agree.
Welcome Praline,

It sounds to me like you are getting EXCELLENT Care and Advice from your Doctors. The fact that THEY suggested a second opinion tells me they are being straight with you and want you to be comfortable with your decision. GOOD FOR THEM!

When you have a plumbing problem, you call a plumber. (You don't fertilize the grass to fix a bad pump so don't even think about alternative medicine for your Heart!)

The Heart is a complex plumbing system. The plumber is a CardioThorasic SURGEON.

I just wrote a lengthy list of advice to another new comer on the Pre-surgery Forum that you may find useful.

YES, this is Major Surgery, but we've all been through it and lived to tell about it. I would say that when it came to chest pain, it was more a matter of 'discomfort' than pain and Ross got it right, Muscle Pain from being stretched was WAY more intense, but thankfully can be relieved FASTER and BETTER with Massage.

Best wishes with your tests and consultations.

'AL Capshaw'


I have appreciated reading the various comments posted to the various threads. I am learning much from what I read. However, I am curious as to why basically no one posted anything to my questions but have abudantly responded to others. Did I break some kind of protocol? Just curious... I will continue to read what others say.

One thing that I did hear from one of the surgeons that I have been in contact with was that "he and all the other cardiac surgeons that he knows only do tissue tansplants for someone my age." The surgeon was with the Cleveland Clinic and is now at hospital in New Jersey. In that this is one of the decisions that I will need to make prior to having the surgery, the discussion about what type of replacement to have is most interesting.

Again, sorry if I said or did something that is not appropriate for the site.
eibina said:
I have appreciated reading the various comments posted to the various threads. I am learning much from what I read. However, I am curious as to why basically no one posted anything to my questions but have abudantly responded to others. Did I break some kind of protocol? Just curious... I will continue to read what others say.

One thing that I did hear from one of the surgeons that I have been in contact with was that "he and all the other cardiac surgeons that he knows only do tissue tansplants for someone my age." The surgeon was with the Cleveland Clinic and is now at hospital in New Jersey. In that this is one of the decisions that I will need to make prior to having the surgery, the discussion about what type of replacement to have is most interesting.

Again, sorry if I said or did something that is not appropriate for the site.

Check your original thread for my response.:) :)


I am having an angiogram done Tuesday morning,December 27th. I was told to skip my warfarin on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I have been taking warfarin for about 6 weeks.
What can I expect from this procedure? I had an arteriogram done for my kidney surgery over 20 years ago. Similat procedure, right?
They were supposed to send me a packet of information and an appointment confirmation in the mail but I did not get it yet. I talked to the nurse in the cardiology department yesterday to make sure the procedure was still on and find out exactly what time to get there. She was very happy to give me all the info I wanted. She said the pack of info and been mailed last week. I may still get it before the 27th. But an effect of Katrina still going on is the messed- up mail.

Where in Louisiana do you live?
I'll be judging a cat show Saturday, Jan. 21, in Alexandria.

I understand your fears. I was pretty shaken too when I was told I needed surgery. I kept reminding myself that others had been in my shoes and nearly all had survived (I like to think of SURVIVAL rates, not MORTALITY rates).

Life is great today, and I thank God that our hearts can be repaired, even made better.

I too am having surgery set for the summer. Like you, they are not sure how long it's taken to progress to the point it is now. But I had cardiac surgery as an infant...thought I was cured. I feel fine, so it is soooo hard to believe there is something wrong. The only thing I experience from time to time are heart palpitations. But I'm sure they are just from soon as I begin to breath slowing & tell myself that I am calm, it stops. I've heard all the same things too...not much pain etc etc. And, like you, I have a fear of the tubes...particularly the breathing tube. I have heard that sleeping will be challenging for a while. You may get intermitant sleep & feel very fatigued. And don't push yourself! These are all things I've heard but have yet to experience. Also, I was advised to purchase a bra that opens in the front..sooo much less painful.

I want to wait until summer because I have kids so of course they are off in the summer & the schedule is much more relaxed. I'm okay w/waiting...not really nervous about that...I just fear my heart will have a problem w/that..all psychological.

Wishing you the best! Please post how you are doing!

Have a great holiday! Linda

Scheduled for pulmonary valve replacement; close whole in heart, patch up tricuspid valve & hopefully all this will bring the right side of my heart back down to normal size.
More questions about angiogram and 2nd opinion

More questions about angiogram and 2nd opinion

As I said, I am going in for an angiogram Tuesday, December 27. From what I have read, it does not seem to be too bad of a procedure. But reading on this site,a few people found it to be very painful. This surprised me since everything I read everywhere said it should not be too umcomfortable at all. I also read about several people who had trouble with the "plug" put in afterwards.
I have a few more questions that I plan to ask the cardiologist.I have a touch of asthma. Would this affect anything? Is there a risk of damaging the kidneys? Since I only have one kidney, ... Do they just check for blockage with this test? Or will it give more information about the mitral valve?
As for the 2nd opinion, I go to see that cardiologist January 4th. What kind of wuestion should I ask him, besides what will happen if I do not get this surgery?
I also want to thank everyone who has been trying to encourage me and calm me down. I am not sure the calming down is happening yet but it helps to talk to someone who understands what I am feeling.
Thank ya'll so much.


Isn't that interesting, a cat show. My husband used to show dogs.
I live a few minutes from downtown New Orleans, on the westbank of the Mississippi.


Thank you for you post. My cardiologist said he would be okay with me waiting till summer but for no later. I told him, " No, thank you." I am not going to the hospital in New Orleans during hurricane season if I can possibly help it.
My fear is not the breathing tube, it is all those other tubes that are supposed to be so painful to pull out. And don't ask me why I am so worried about that pain because I am not half as worried about the rest of the painful process. Makes no sense,huh lol... But my biggest fear is really the heart-lung machine.
I am going to see someone for a second opinion January 4th. All this just happened so quickly!!! I just found out about the problem at the beginning of November.
After my angiogram Tuesday I will know if the problem is only mitral valve and AFib or if there are any blockages.
Best of luck with your surgery.

Not everyone is the same but, here are my experiences..Mitral valve repaired this last August.
Angiogram...they gave me a shot of Benadryl, the doctor said, you may feel some pain wire going in so I wait and wait...finally I asked him when will you insert the wires, and he said, oh the wires are in already, we are almost finished!...I did not feel anything.
Nor going in or when he pulled the wires out. In addition for other blockeage the doctor can make a better guess whether the valve can be repaired or need to be replaced. My doctor told me 75% chance repair and that was the case. He was able to repair it
I don't even remember the breathing tube and I know it was taken quite soon but did not feel it. The rest of the tubes. The doctor's nurse aid was wonderful. She will tell me, this one is a "little ouch", this one is going to be a medium ouch. When she got to the large tube she told me, l be prepared for a big OUCH!!! well, it was more like a tiny little ouch and I told her so.
I'm not saying I was not uncomfortable but it was not painful. Think positive and don't be scare (easy now to say :D ) I know how you feel, but it'll be better than you now think


I had the angiogram done in July. Was given conscious sedation and slept through the procedure. Thank heaven for the plug. It is so much easier than the older way with the sandbags for hours. No pain from the plug.
Yes, there are lots of tubes and wires for the surgery but the pain control is good if you ask for the meds. They want you free of pain. Taking out the tubes, etc was virtually pain free. My fear caused my to tense but the only pain I had was several minutes after the chest tube was pulled. I had a muscle spasm.
I did have pain from the actual incision sites and still have some discomfort 4 months later. It is worth it to have my mitral valve fixed.
Everyone is nervous. You wouldn't be human if you weren't scared but you have to try to take care of yourself and be as calm as you possibly can.
We are all here for you.
Thank you all for the kind messages.. a bit less scared

Thank you all for the kind messages.. a bit less scared

Thank you so much. I am SO happy that I found this site. I just seem to feel a littlle bit better after each message. That does not mean that I am not still scared. Maybe I watch too much medical shows on I just LOVE to watch forensic shows and medical too, especially when the problem is very unusual. It fascinates me what can be done in the medical world today, especially when it is not my body that is involved.
My only other real surgery has been donating a kidney to my brother.And that was such a positive experience!! Of course, the focus was not on me.
It was on my brother. I was so busy keeping my finger crossed that he would not reject my kidney that I did not have time to be scared. On a scale of 1-10, I was only a 5..a half match. I don't ever remember being scared until I was in pre-op that morning and I started thinking," I wonder if anyone ever changes their mind this late in the game?". Until that time I don't think I had really thought about the surgery itself. I had just by-passed that part and concentrated on the results.But this time I can't seem to do that.
And it just makes me so sad that he is not here now. He died a year ago in November. He is the one I would have been able to talk to.
Merry Christmas to ya'll.