Ross's First Year Anniversary

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Rockster Rat...

Rockster Rat...

Hey Rossman!! Congratulations!

Under the best of conditions heart surgery is pretty traumatic.... I can?t imagine surviving a two month hospital stay even in the best of health. Some nurses are definitely in the wrong profession.

We love you, Ross .... you ornery little rat. :p

Mousy Rain


Dear Ross,

I am so happy to be one of the many friends you have on this forum. You are an inspiration to me, and I love you!
Please continue to entertain us with your naughty humor. It is very much appreciated! Make us laugh Ross, and make us all realize life is too short to sit and moan and feel sorry for ourselves.
All the best to you and your family!
Hey Bonnie, Great new picture.
I too would like to congratulate you Ross.
You have helped many people on this site.
Have you gotten that MEDALERT ID yet
for all of us who posted our mugshots ?
Take care and again CONGRATS
Hey Ross

Congratulations on your anniversary,

Every post on the board is special, but your posts informative,
supportive and often humourous,

You really do a great job. and it is appreaciated.

I am proud to be part of the VR.Com Family

keep smiling

Hey "Rossy"

Hey "Rossy"

I had to join in the congrats here! You were the first one to answer my very first post, when I was scared to death, and only 2 days away from my surgery. You're always there for anyone that comes online at any time, to calm their fears and be a friend and you're almost always the first to say Happy Birthday!
So, Happy RE-Birthday to you!!

We were all very worried about you a year ago, and we're so glad you're still with us today. I don't have a lot of reason to come around here much anymore, healthwise anyway, so the only real reason I bop in once in a while is to say hi to my friends and see what they're up to :D.

You're a good MAN Ross! (Even my little girl looks forward to seeing "Rossy's funny pictures") Keep up the good work!
Whew, made it through the day!

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and friendship. It's really hard to believe it's been a whole year, but it has.

Al, yes I did and I can't say as I'm happy with mine. I couldn't get everything that really needs to be on it inscribed. Oh well, as long as it says anticoagulants, I guess that'll have to do. Yeap, yeap, I'm as happy with it as my grand kids are with their new flea collars. ;)
Happy Anniversary, my friend. You went through some ordeal last year, And you came through and still continued to help others and we're all very grateful for that. Keep up the laughs and great advice. We love you. Wishing you many, many, many more happy and healthy anniversaries. Hugs and Kisses! :D :D :D


My friend, I absolutely celebrate your (now belated) anniversary. You are such an inspiration to everyone here on this list. Your sense of humor is uplifting and your compassion is unequaled. I feel so privileged to say that you are my "cyber" friend. I know I could not have gotten through the last year and a half without your encouragement, advice, humor and sense of wit.

I wish only for you the very best in the years to come. I surely hope you're around a VERY long time. I love ya, ROSSMAN!!!....and you can even tell Lyn that!!!

Be well, my friend, and have the bestest of anniversaries....if you celebrated it once, by all means go out and celebrate it again. I surely know I and just about everyone else here would be lost without you.

Love ya, ROSSMAN!!!

Happy Belated Anniversary, Ross!

I'm so sorry for not getting a chance to post until now, but I had to tell you what you mean to me and everyone else here at You are a very kind, caring, goofy, straight forward kind of guy. You are a very special person and God knew that when he helped guide you through that very difficult time one year ago. You have so much to give and share with others who are going through similar experiences and we all have so much love and admiration to share with you. This VR family would not be the same without you. You contribute much more than you realize.

Take Care My Friend & God Bless!

I just have to post and say something! You are the reason I am a member of this forum. Your encouragement to everyone who joins is amazing! Thank you for all of your posts and you continue to be in my prayers.
That's great Ross, now we can all feel the same
wearing them.
Stay as ornery as ever, I am sure everyone wouldn't
want it any other way.
Stay healthy friend.


Ross, well, what can I say. It's hard to believe a year has gone by already! I don't have to tell you how much your presence has meant to all of can see that for your yourself.

Keep it up, and here's hoping for many more anniversaries to come.

Congrats, Ross

Congrats, Ross

I must say the mountain you had to climb was a whole lot higher and steeper than most of ours'. Bless your heart, old bean - and all the rest of you, too.

Considering what kind of year the last one was, mostly any other year should look pretty good to you, huh?

Thanks for all YOUR support for the rest of us. We love you.


I can't believe what I missed by not having time to visit the boards lately.......................I missed Ross's anniversary! psssst...........Ross, I told you the other day I have been very busy..........sorry..................

Well Ross, here's to many more years of ticking away! I would also like to thank you for all of your imput and help you are to all of us here.

Merci beaucoup mon ami!

Love, Gisele
Heck, man...never would have gotten to know you if you hadn't done an "about face". Glad you did and I consider you a good friend. One thing for sure, you made me realize I'm not the only 'survivor" that must have undergone oxygen deprivation somewhere along the line! Ha! Keep on goin' are more important to us than you even realize....
Les AVR '93 / '95
happy belated anniversary!!!!

happy belated anniversary!!!!

hi ross!
i'm sorry i missed your big day_ i've been away.... again!
i remember when you had your surgery last year and what you went through.
many of us would check eagerly, hoping you were doing better... it was slow!
you had us all so worried back then.
someone was watching over you. we have been so fortunate to have you here to inspire all of us as you do.
you are a fighter, supporter, and our in-house comedian!
i am so thrilled that you are celebrating this wonderful day.
wishing you many more to come.
thanks for all you do.
be well, sylvia
Guess I didn't do to bad for a confirmed vegetable huh? Surprise, surprise, I came back from what they didn't think I would.

Thanks to everyone for your well wishes, thoughts, prayers, and friendships. ;)
Congrats on the first year

Congrats on the first year

Congrats on your first year. My two-year anniversery is in September. The first year is the most trying. Getting home and trying to be active when the chest hurts so bad or breathing i still difficult. But you have come a long way Ross. You have also helped others also. You keep hanging in there. Sorry that this is so late. I have been so busy lately, haven't had time to be here. Take care and keep busy.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Many years to look forward to...

Many years to look forward to...


Congrats on the anniversary. This would be an awfully dull place without you. You definitely give the OOMPH to maintain the flow and balance around here. Look forward to the streaming videos as well,
"Behind the Valve" ?

All the best......

"It aint the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog" - Mark Twain

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