Ross's First Year Anniversary

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
When he got his new valve is tomorrow..July 22nd. Ross first posted, Dec. 17th, 2001..Title was...I'm new to the forum....Members answering him on his first post were..Gina, Nancy, Perry, Bill Hall, Kevin M., Henyslee, John and Joann. Caroline, Mary Beth, Rob and Scottie. As of today, he has posted...2,441 posts... I first posted, April 21, 2002...scared to death about what to expect post-op...Within, 3 hours, he had posted to me...:) :) :) :) He not only assured me that I would be fine..but we have become very good friends. :) :) Ross was in the hospital a long time and we were all so worried, but his son, Steve did a great job keping us informed..I feel like a grain of sand on the beach..compared to the MANY posts he has made to all of our new members. He is always there for us..and we will always be there for you, Rosso. Love you..Bonnie:) :)
Me too, Buddy- You just keep hangin' in there. You have helped countless numbers of people. You're a rock!

Hi Ross, you &%%*### %O%OO## Guy!

hehehe Go ahead.. delete me for THAT !!! hehehe!

Congrats on your 1 year Anniversary!!!

Not only are you a rock, as Nancy has stated, YOU ROCK !!

Granted a little on the cutting edge, bordering insanity, but none the less, YOU ROCK!

Wishing you many many many more years of good stable health!

You're a rock!
Am not, I'm a slug. A slow, slimy, leave a sticky trail sort of guy. :eek:

When I think back to that event, I do hope everyone knows just how life saving those printed messages were for me.

It's a time I don't particularly care to remember because of what all transpired. I still think about the Psychiatrist telling me that I was literally a vegetable for a good period of time. No one thought I was going to make it.

I remember the Pulmonary Therapist coming in and telling me that I would just stare at something, sometimes stare straight into his face and watch him. He said he knew I saw something, but no one else knew what it was. He said he sat in his spare time, holding my hand and talking to me even though I was unresponsive. He said he was a firm believer that people are still in there whether they act like it or not and deserved not to be alone. They needed to be talked too as if they were communicating anyway. That guy brought tears to my eyes more then once when I finally got partially back with the program.

Yes my friends, it was a real nightmare. A living, breathing, nightmare. I guess what I'd like to say to the Medical Professional Community is that no matter your take on a persons well being, remember that they are not dead. You may have drugged them into oblivion, but you have not released their spirit. Please treat us as if we were still with it. Don't expect us to act normal when we are hallucinating, suffering, running fevers of 106F, and heavily drugged. When you come in telling us to stop doing something that is annoying you, don't expect us to see it the way you do. We're in a different world, seeing different things then you are. It's like a completely different realm of existence of which you are not a participant, only one of many characters.

Nurses, For Gods sake learn how to read lips! Don't hand us a paper and pen and expect us to write anything legible. It ain't gonna happen. The only way we can communicate with a trach tube in our throats is by mouthing things to you. We can't use our hands, you've restrained us. Also, do not lay a person who cannot breath flat on the back! There was a reason why I kept pushing the button for your attention. It wasn't to tick you off and have you lower the head of the bed and scold me to quit playing with my bed and go to sleep, I was having a hard time breathing and needed suctioning. I needed to know someone was out on the floor and that I wasn't going to drown waiting for someone to respond.

I better shut up now or I'll have a ton of people scared when they shouldn't be. It is only how my surgery went and it was not a typical AVR. I want everyone to realize this and not take this as something to fear. Sorry, I'll shut up now. :(
Listen, Ross, you rant all you want online or any other place. This is your support group and we're all there for you.

Any time you want to send me an email, feel free. I've been through a ton with Joe, and I understand from an observer's standpoint. I've seen him out of it and in terrible difficulty. It's an experience like being in the twilight zone. Joe doesn't talk much about his feelings either. He has a wonderful attitude. So do you. You've been through too much for one person to have to endure.

You are too a rock!
Rossman - I'm not gonna gush over you like all your lady friends do. All I'm gonna say is I'm glad your around and helping a lot of other people with problems that weren't nearly as bad as the ones you delt with. Keep up the good work, buddy.
Ross I never knew. I too had a long time with the tube...19 days. It was the most horrific experience of my life. And like you was not typical of a average valve replacement, I have Marfans which causes your viens and artieries to knot, twist and bend...the doctor didnt know it going in so he had a tough time. There was a very touch and go point there.

When I read your post I was taken back to those days in recovery and it scared me. I don't want to have to do that again but since I have a dissection I probally will.

Maybe when we have scheduled surgery we should make some flash cards....

1. Need Suction
2. Need ice
3. Raise the bed
4. Unstrap me!
5. Call my Wife (husband)
6. Order Pizza

Anyone got any others?

Trach tube

Trach tube

What frustrated me was that I was the only one in the room that knew Morse Code. I wanted to tell them I hurt when I first came to after surgery, but knew I had to keep it to myself.

Ross, you are a great inspiration. Thinking of the advice I got from you and others in this forum made the surgery less stressful. Can't say I enjoyed it, can't say I would like to do it again, but couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks, and happy anniversary!

You are a Rock

You are a Rock

In fact, I am now working on getting your face carved on Stone Mountain. Stone Mountain is a huge rock outside Atlanta that is # 1 tourist attraction in Georgia. Carved on this huge rock is the faces of our great Southern heroes....Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.. check it
..and don't be surprised to see your face there one day.:p :p :p :p I may have to repel it and do it.:p :p :p Bonnie
Dave the flash cards are an idea I thought of too, but we'd have a heck of a time holding them when they restrain us. It's still the best suggestion that I can think of though. Wonder if Nurses can read? I know that not all of them are mean and careless, but there are a few that should not be in an ICU unit!

Card #7 Have to go to the potty NOW!
#8 Please stay in view, I may need help. (I panic if I don't see anyone on the floor)

Will, thank you and I couldn't agree with you more. If it weren't for the people here, I would have flipped out completely. I hope that everyone, and I do mean everyone, understands that the phone calls, letters, catchers vest, camo shirt, cards, copies of posts in the forums, etc,. All played a very big part in my going from a deep "I wanna die" depression to "The screwball will return" look forward. Jennie if you pass through here, I thank you from all I have for a heart for calling me the second time. I felt real bad cutting you short on the first call.

Bonnie I still haven't figured out what to do with you. I didn't want to celebrate this occasion because it is so touchy for me. I love you and Ann and heck all of you! I'm so happy that Hank started a site where all of us that have this surgery in common can talk to one another. Your all a constant source of support whether you know it or not.

Once again I've started a reply to detail some of my thanks and it's gotten taken in a different direction. Maybe one of these times, I'll get it right. Bare with me people. When I look at this screen, my brain falls out.
You are "the" rock!

You are "the" rock!

I would never had made it though the month of May without this site. You, Granbony, Georgia, Nancy & all the others who posted
were great. You are always there with a kind word or so silliness that makes everyone smile. I thank you from the bottom of my Timex heart!:D :D :D
Well Ross. I am so glad you survived for this anniversary. I have gone back and read so many of the posts from those days and realize that even though you have a lot of health issues you still battle everyday, you have really overcome so much. You truely have a place here where you are much needed and loved.

Thank you for just being Ross.

The big guy up there kept you around for a reason.
You had an absolutely horrible experience compared to so many of us.
But this site just wouldn't be the same if you wern't here.
You have helped and encouraged a lot of people from this site.
Maybe that is part of why HE kept you here.
Hey you have made great friends with people you never knew existed so hang in there.
You are a great guy and this world is a better place with people like you in it.
Hey Ross,
Thanks for all the help you have given me in the little time I have been around here and for all the help you have given everyone else. Keep up the Great Work.
someone stole my post! I wrote in here last night and it isn't here! So here it is again and if this one disappears, too, I'll be baaaack...........

Last year this time, many of us were saying our prayers big time because we knew Ross was going to have a rough time - and he did. He was in the hosp about 2 months. We don't lose many of us, but it sure was touch and go with Ross and we were scared and ran in here many times through the day to see how things were going. And we called the hospital - but naturally they don't tell you, but at least they said enough for us to know he was still among us. Thank goodness for Steve keeping us posted and up to date. If it hadn't been for Steve, wonder who all would've jumped on a plane to Ohio to personally check it out. We'd have had their local police checking on him all the time and reporting back to us. The cards, emails, you wouldn't believe. It's pretty much a miracle that Ross is with us today - maybe it is partly because of all the VR prayers, but mostly it's Ross's spirit that can't be extinguished. Just want you to know, Ross, that I love you and I am voting for you, just in case we are taking a vote.
Ross - The Man

Ross - The Man

Hey Ross - I too must add my thanks to you and your existence. I really don't even know you, but I almost feel like your brother. Is that crazy? Yes it is. It is absolutely crazy how the exchange of thoughts and typed words on a computer screen can pull people together. But as we all know - it works.

You scared us all with your little hospital scenario. Do that again and we'll whoop your ass.

I hope that every day brings additional recovery and the continuing knowledge that we are in this boat together.

Keep on being the man you are. Many are proud.

To Ross,

What a great guy you are. I remember telling you that 22 July, the date of your surgery, is my youngest daughter?s birthday and she is a very lucky person, so you should not worry, I was right. While you had a very rough time of it, you maintained a positive attitude and you never once stopped providing assurance to the rest of us.

I view Ross as one of the main anchors of this site and I am forever grateful to him. So Ross you have a very happy heart anniversary and know that a lot of us ?Valvers? are wishing you all the best in every way possible.

Keep us clicking partner,

Hank you can be my brother. That would be good. I think you and I share a lot in common only we don't know just how much exactly. By the way, I'm not a man. I'm a mouse. :D

Walter I still remember everything about you from when you first signed up. We've come along way and have some distance to go yet. Thanks for your words of encouragement. ;)
Congratulations Ross!

Congratulations Ross!

Ross, You had a tough time post op and came through with true grit. Your posts always make sense along with a touch of humor. I read them with anticipation. And thanks for remembering my birthday!