latest from Chris and Steve:
This was from Chris between 12:15-12:45pm:
Bp 137/57. still afib. has been stable around those#s since 10am according to the monitor. O2 90. They want to do a trache by mon but his breathing needs to improve to do so. The " peep" on vent needs to be around 5 for the trache. It is at 14-15.. And of course they need to lay him flat to do trach. Temp is about 102.2. "peep" is 2 help keep lungs expanded inbetween breaths and to help expell the gasses that need released. Once dad can breath with the ox set at 50-60 on (2/2) vent they can then start to reduce the "peep" but he also has to mantain o2 of min of 88 and up with the ox at 50-60.. Thats what resp. person said 2me.
Jackie, our son Jasper and I got there about 1pm. When I went in, BP was 127/71, O2 was 90. The oxygen on the vent was at 95 and peep was 14.
We had our lunch with mom and Chris in the waiting room. It was nice, and she was surprised and very thankful. It was nice to keep a Thanksgiving feel to the day for the family. As far as Ross goes, there wasn't any change between the time we got there and when we left. Just hanging in there.