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I just thought...........

I just thought...........

he looked a bit pale and swollen. Ross maybe you need some lasix today???

PS: I always look forward to your orginal graphics......LOL:D
"Because You Never Know How Much Is Riding On Your Tires"
Les AVR '93 / '95
Well since Caroline has lost weight, I've gained it. I'm really beginning to look like the Michelin Man again. I figured it was fitting under the circumstances. :eek:


What are you doing on computer. Today's the big Birthday Bash...:D :D :D Party- Hardy...:p :p Bonnie
Ross, didn't know you were a "Ghostbuster":) but it is becoming on you.

Hey Ya ya prince Pillar, maybe we should nominate Ross as Ya Ya prince michelin? Always look forward to your many different avatars, Ross:p

Ya Ya Princess Tinkerbelle
I thought it was the Statue of Liberty in a New York Ice Storm:p :p :p :p :p :p What does the banner say????:D World's Greatest ????? Mr. ????????...:p Bonnie