Ross, the man

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I have been purusing the posts and I am glad Ross is home and I know he is feeling better because his wry and devlish sense of humor is back! Too cool.

I think we were all worried about you Ross. Glad you are feeling better! Now, more jokes!

Thanks Mara, I'm still not much more then 75% up and running, but it'll do. I keep trying to saddle my son Steve, to take the pictures of me in the Camo shirt, VR shirt, and the catchers vest, but I can't seem to get him to stick around long enough to do it.

Went to the Doc today and traveled around without the oxygen. Sitting, I'm fine at 95% saturation, but walking about 100ft, it dropped to 82%, so I'm still teathered to the O2. I'm allowed to drive now. That makes me feel a little better.

The whole ordeal has shaken me to the core. These Docs have to learn not to mess with the blebs on my lungs. I think I'm repeating myself. O.K., so I'm a pumphead.
You know sometimes I'd give a lot for a snort of O2. I guess when you have to be on it it's not fun.

Well, driving is good.

Stay out of the cold air though. Doesn't that make your lungs feel weird.

Well, you can relax all weekend and watch football or baseball, if you're in to that.

Sometimes recover takes a long time.

Took me a year to really feel like myself and I didn't got thru your ordeals. But, we all know your sense of humor is back, and laughter is the best medicine.
Well, you can relax all weekend and watch football or baseball, if you're in to that.
Actually, I'm not into sports. Once upon a time, I was a Cleveland Browns fan. Back in the Cardiac Kids Days. Now, I'd rather sit on VR even though it's slow on the weekends and see who needs what. That's my entertainment.

I also do some legal researching to cover some bases that I seem to be having some difficulties with. I'm sorry to say, but some laws that are on the books, need to be tossed. :mad:
Well, see there you go. Whil eyour home recovering, use the net to get info on the laws that need changed and then pester the heck out of all the politicians whose job it is to make the laws. I bet a political action committee would be happy to have your assistance.

I have never been a Browns fan, I have always thought they had the ugliest uniforms in the world. I have been a Bears fan since I was little and thought they were real Bears. But, really, I prefer soccer to football.
I like baseball, though, and am glad the Yankees are out of it. My grandfather played for the Cardinals back in the day when the Columbus Clippers were part of the Cardinals organization, so I'd like to see the Cards do something. But, really, I am rooting for the Twins, if only so the league will be sorry they tried to boot them out.
Indiana just tried to do something similar. To get a new driver's license you needed to bring in birth certificate, proof of residency, social security card, etc. What a mess. There was such public outcry that that policy got changed.
I suppose that Florida has a better chance of harboring terrorists than Indiana. Nice locations, better weather, the beach, Disney World, manatees.
I think the upshot is that the INS needs an overhaul and to do their job better. I know while my husband was waiting for his permanent alien residency to go thru that he had hassles but really the staff at the INS office were overworked and really needed about 8 more staff members to get work done. You'd get notice to go to the office for the next step and be there by 8:30 and then wait all day until your name was called. So there he'd sit waiting because the office was so backed up. No wonder the hijackers got in to the country so easily.
Mara - after 9/11 they talked about how understaffed INS is, remember? Sounds like NOTHING has been done so far to fix it. So much talk, so little action. Think we have so many illegals in Fl that keeping track of them is a joke. Atta (you know the guy) lived in a small Fl town, Pt Charlotte, held a job there washing dishes in a restaurant and mixed/mingled with folks and after 9/11 folks said "oh, yeah, I know that guy".

But the new Fl license law just reminds us that things are slipping from our grasp and won't ever be like they 'used to be'.
Hey, MO did that for years before it got changed. That is long before 9/11. It got changed before 9/11. So who knows what is really happening nowadays. I am so tired of the press crap everyday. Maybe we will have someday. I will wait this all out. Take care everyone.

Arotic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Maybe the people we put in local, state and federal offices have to pass new laws so they feel like they are doing something?

I used to be able to buy rabies shots, other required shots for my animals, at the agriculture store. I could give the shots myself to my and relatives' animals, thereby saving lots of money. Lo and behold, one year when I went to pick it up at the farm store found out new laws were passed that you HAVE TO GO AND HAVE THE VET do it! They just slipped this one right in. Made lot of people mad but the veterinary medical people plugged up a hole for themselves. Shame, because now there are lots of country animals here that are not getting their treatments because vets are expensive for many.

Even being vigilant doesn't help - how can we keep up with all the laws they are working on?????
Glad you are doing better....

Glad you are doing better....

Gosh, Ross, I have read so many of your posts, I feel like I know you personally---if only I could hae made it to at least one of the reunions! Anyway, I am glad you are doing better--I know it has all been so very difficult and you are always in my prayers. Hang in there and keep on keepin' on! Thanks so much for your wit and tenaciousness! susan:D
See I disagree about the animal vaccines. My dog got very ill from his vaccines and we would never have known if we had done it ourselves. Plus, many pets don't need the vaccines every year! That's the crazy part. A vet can give your pet a titer to see if the vaccine is still working and then your pet doesn't even need the shot! That's hard to do at home. I am all for healthcare professionals being in charge of healthcare.

I know what you mean about losing control, but the world is changing. If the federal government weren't so big and butting into everyone's business (thank a democrat), it would run more efficiently. Plus, the UN is a joke. "Stop or I'll say stop again, and then if that doesn't work we'll pass resolution that says Stop."

INS needs an overhaul. Indiana has lots of illegals. When I was a prosecutor we had to call the INS and tell them everytime an illegal was convicted of a felony. It got to the point that the INS guys said "Quit calling, we aren't going to do anything about it anyway." Nice! So here are all these illegals committing felonies, going to Indiana prisons being supported by my tax dollars and the INS doesn't care. Meanwhile, David, my husband, who is here legally, could get a speeding ticket and the INS knows it and could deport him. What a joke!
Then Vicente Fox wants to open up the borders! Then no one would be living in Mexico except the drug lords and every state would be just as bankrupt as California is. I am all for helping people, and the Mexicans that I see in our neighborhood doing construction work their butts off, and most work two jobs doing the grunt work teenagers think they are too good for (ie. bus tables, fast food. I worked at McDonald's in high school and did my share of crappy jobs) but why can't they just come here legally? Why is that so hard to understand?
Any way, this is my pet peeve....based on the fact that David, who did everything right and legal, could get deported for any stupid mistake and the illegals can commit felonies and nothing happens to them. Then the hispanics want everything to be printed in Spanish? Well, go back to Mexico or Honduras. We speak English in America. I can't tell you how many times I heard Hispanics say in court they did not speak English and then you'd hear them speaking perfect English outside the courtroom! I'll say this, the Mexicans know how to work the system. I admire them for that. Don't think I am racist or anyting. I think Mexicans are great, hard working, family oriented people, and have a great culture tradition, and where would we be without them. Most come here for a better life and they should get it, too. They deserve it. I just hate the cheaters! and that goes for everyone. Since I left the prosecutor's office my opinion of my fellow human has been restored.
But, I rant.
Never heard of even ONE vet checking to see if your animal actually NEEDS the shot. Cuts down on their take. I was told that the rabies shot is good for 3 years, but is the law that in Florida, you must get it every year.

I lived in small town in central Fl where there is MUCH citrus industry. Americans don't want to pick the fruit anymore as the work is too hard and you won't find anyone who works harder than Mexicans. The town, tho, has become over-populated and scary to live in. And, isn't it the Pres who was pushing to open the borders? Our borders have been to open to so many for way too long.

My son, like you, got disgusted with the system - he worked some yrs ago as a prison guard. He guarded the gym - talked about the prisoners working out all day. He was also trying to get a college education and couldn't afford to go except evenings - but the prisoners got it FOR FREE and right at the prison. They have finally cut out the education program in the state prisons. He got so he hated the prisoners and said he could pick one out 'outside' just by looking at them. There is so much injustice in America (i.e. your husband), but the country is so HUGE, how does it get fixed?

Still wouldn't want to live elsewhere, tho.