I picked him up off of Chris and had him silent and asleep on my shoulder in 5 minutes.
Ross has a hidden talent.............being a grandpa
Its always nice to show your siblings on "how" its done.
I picked him up off of Chris and had him silent and asleep on my shoulder in 5 minutes.
wow --- Talon has gotten so big. He's adorable! Thanks for posting the new pics. I am sorry to hear that Chris and Andrea are having troubles. A baby is a huge thing, hopefully they'll just need some more time to work things out. It looks like Chris is doing a great job as a Daddy. I hope he gets into the vocational training program and can make a good life for himself & his family despite this awful thing that happened to him (the accident). I know how hard it can be to pull life back together after a devastating injury. I had an uncle who was shot & blinded in a hunting accident. Physically he recovered, went through vocational re-training, but could never pull it together and died 10 years later, spending most of those years drunk, bitter, miserable & angry at the world, including his family. Even if Chris & Andrea can't make things work between them, Talon may be just what Chris needs to keep him going and make him set higher goals, both with his job training & physical therapy. Hugs & good thoughts to you all always!
Harry it was funny. Talon was whaling so hard that he could hardly breath and kept choking. Chris took him thinking he'd calm him down. Nope. I picked him up off of Chris and had him silent and asleep on my shoulder in 5 minutes.
Ross, he is very cute. What happened to Chris that he is able to get Voc. Rehab? Believe it or not, they paid for my college at Univ. of Tenn. because of my heart. Good luck to him on that.
Gees man you scareded me with the pics of that crushed metal!...Its absolutely amazing that young Chris only got a wrecked ankle from that.
Young Talon gets cuter everytime we see him, and so cuddly even if he is screaming!. Chris looks good as a daddy. I too wish him the best for his new future.