Ross, how are you?

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Hi Ross, How are you doing? Really? And when is the dreaded colonoscopy scheduled. And how is it going to be handled, finally?

And how are you doing with the pneumonia?

And is your blood count up from the blood loss?

Just worried about you!

I apologize if you have already posted about this, but if so, I didn't see it.
Ross I hope that you are feeling stronger each day..

Now .. for my colonoscopy.. I will be having my dear Husband write with sharpie markers on my butt cheeks..
"Danger, Buried Gas lines"
I figure it will give the docs a good laugh!:p

Want me to come up with a good line to have written on yours?

maybe "exit only"
"dead end"
No Outlet

we could collectively come up with some good ones for you!
It's taken me all week to work up the nerves to call and make the appointment and wouldn't you know, the appointments secretary is gone until Tuesday! Now I get to stew all weekend and a 3 day one at that.

Pnumonia is settling down, still having water retention issues, blood count is looking much better, though the kidney screen is looking bad. Have to go back in 2 weeks for another BMP and see where things stand.

I'm holding my own. Depressed with the whole situation at hand, but trying not to let it run me. If nothing else happens in the immediate future, God willing, I may settle down and return to a half normal existence.

Yeah Marky--"This is one of few organs I have left that work right. Please treat it as if it were your own or the patient gets to do your colonoscopy when it's over."
Hi Ross -
I´ve been away from the board a LONG time, so I just found out now about your new challenges.
Hope all goes well for you, and you´ll be in my prayers.
Try to relax and think POSITIVE!
Big hugs, Margaret

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