reunion travelers

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I just want to say to everyone going to the reunion, I hope you all have a GREAT and SAFE time! Take lots of pictures so those of us who can not attend can see all the fun that was had. God bless and have a safe journey.!! :p
Thanks Paula

Thanks Paula

Thanks for the safe travel wishes. We are leaving for vegas very early Wednesday morning and now I know I'll be safe with your safety wish.

Wish you could be there - It's gonna be GREAT!!
Hi Everyone,

I would like to add my wishes for a safe and fun reunion for all of you! Take lots of pictures and post them so those of us who aren't able to make it can experience it vicariously.

Just remember me on Thursday, around 12:30 CDT while I'm going back under the knife for the second time in 6 months,(Hysterectomy time). :eek: ! And I'll see you all back here when I get back home, (probably about the time you're all recovered from your hangovers) :D ! Have a great time, Jean