Reunion Gift Swap Bags...

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Hank Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
Attention Everyone Attending the 2005 Reunion!

Don't forget that we are going to be having our 2nd annual Gift Bag exchange this year in Vegas!

This is how it works...

You bring a gift bag that represents you and/or the place you are from. Something that you would like to receive. Don't spend millions, but don't give away dirty socks either :)

All the gift bags go on the table.

Everyones name goes into a hat with a number.

We draw names.

Number 1 goes 1st and picks a bag.

Number 2 goes next and can pick an untouched bag, or take number 1's bag. If they take number 1's bag, number 1 takes a new bag from the table.

Number 3 goes next and so on and so on.

A bag can only be picked from the table once, and stolen twice.

So don't forget your gift bags - It's a blast!!