Hi Wade, If I may be so bold, how old are you?
You also know that if you choose to have a surgeon attempt a repair, that same surgeon will be ready to perform replacement and whatever other procedures that may be evident when they look at your situation in the OR, don't you?
It's all a matter of trust in the surgeon. We need to have faith that our doctor holds his oath sacrosanct and believes in "first, doing no harm". Once you feel that assurance, then you can be easy knowing that all that can be done, will be done in YOUR best interest.
Talk to the man and see if repair is for you. It's better knowing that you've explored every avenue open to you and made a decision based on that, than it is to spend a life of regret over what may have been had you attempted repair.
Re-ops are a fact of bioprosthetic and many homograft valvers' lives, perhaps he's simply delaying the first, to buy time down the road. The big thing is to keep the heart healthy, if a repair works, then there's a gift made of that invaluable commodity.