Record heat

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
Today we set an all time record for the 8th day of October.
It was 90 degrees here, and very, very warm over the last few days as well.
On average we should be around 65 degrees at this time of year, not hotter than Florida.:eek:
I know our neighbors in Chicago have been very warm as well. The marathon certainly proved that.
But we will drop 30 to 40 degrees cooler in the near future.:(
Ah yes only in Michigan !
AC on today, furnace running by Wednesday.:mad:
Bina said:
WOW, some of you people are cooking!
We broke records about a week ago with 75 degrees.
Today was 55.....furnace came back on.....oh well.

I switched from furnace to air conditioner today, Bina......29 degrees C and 35 with the humidex.....I can't believe it's Thanskgiving Day (Cdn) weekend!!!! However, the temperature is supposed to drop like a dead weight.....below seasonal by next weekend. :(
It's been so hot here in Charlotte. In fact, it's been hot with no rain! We are in extreme drought conditions here. I thought when we left Tampa a year and a half ago that I wouldn't be experiencing any more HOT Octobers. Oh well. Hopefully, some cooler weather is on the way. LINDA P.S. Our grass is dead because we can't water. Of course, the weeds are growing like crazy. Ever wonder how weeds can grow with no rain!?!

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