Rash after Monitor?

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Hi gang!

Hope we are all doing well at this beginning of spring. I'm doing better than I had in recent months. Got through both of my follow up appts with my cardio's. The cardio that my cardio referred me to said that I will get my script (beta-blocker) refilled from my main cardio and unless I have any problems she feels need looked at by him, he won't need to see me again. He was going to do a treadmill stress-echo but my cardiologist advised against it. She said she wanted me to slowly work my heart rate up while exercising and see how I do at each new level and she was going to repeat the echo in October. She also gave me a card to carry. It's a membership in the BiCuspid Aortic Heart Club and entails me to all the membership privileges such as antibiotics and yearly echos.

So.. on to my question. I have a half-dollar sized rash above my right boingo. The only thing I can think is that I'm having some delayed reaction to the sticky pads from the King of Hearts monitor that I wore for a month. I haven't had it on since Feb 17th and I've had this a little over a week. It didn't itch at first, but it has begun to. I've tried every type of ointment and it's not budged. I didn't have any irritation or rash when I was using the monitor and changed the location of the leads daily. The only other thing I can think of is a reaction to the beta-blocker (Nadolol). The medication leaflet indicated that I should call my doctor if I have any rash. Well, I've never had a reaction to any sort of medication before. When they say ANY rash do they mean ANY, or one that is all over? Cuz this isn't all over. It's almost like a small patch of poison ivy. It's raised in areas, red, and the tissue below feels swollen. I haven't been in the weeds, so I don't think it's PI. I dunno, I'm lost as to what it could be and I've been off so much these past 2 weeks with my own cardio appts and a son who had strep (eek!) that I really don't want to take off more time if it's nothing.

Any ideas?



It seems unlikely that a rash from the monitor would have taken 3 weeks to appear. It sounds like it could be almost anything. Have you considered all the possible "contact" variables like a new detergent, new perfume, new deodorant, etc.? If none of those apply, I would look into the possibility of ingested allergy - maybe the new med, or perhaps a new food that you tried.

It is not impossible for an ingestion allergy to show isolated rash reactions. Usually it is more of an "area" rash such as abdomen, face, hands, etc. However, I have had reactions, in the past, that raised just a couple of hives on the back of my hand. So another one of those "everyone is different" scenarios.

I would call the doctor and ask. If you are not having SOB or other symptoms, it probably isn't an emergency situation but I would still consult with him.

As I was reading you post I was thinking to myself that the rash is a mystery. The only thing that peaked my curiosity is the fact that your son recently had strep. Strep can cause skin rashes...just something to ponder?

Brian makes a salient point. You should be checked for exposure if someone in your family has had staph or strep. And it can definitiely cause skin rashes - even full-blown psoriasis.

Strep is a big causation for endocarditis and valvular demise.

Another possibility is detergent or fabric softener getting splashed onto a freshly-washed boingo-holder (sic), that might have been sitting in a basket awaiting the ride back to the dresser. It can cause severe irritation.

I would check on The Strep Connection first, though, before accepting The Strap Connection idea. Hopefully strep is/was not the issue, but you don't want to fool around with that chance.

Best wishes,
Spider Bite?!

Spider Bite?!

Hi again guys!

Once again, you came through with flying colors! I woke up this morning and the "rash" had a very white circle around it, sort of looked like a fried egg with the rash being the yolk. So, being a panicky sort of person, I was at my dr's office when they opened. They got me right in and my friendly PCP said it was "either a spider bite or some strange allergic reaction". He ruled out flesh eating bacteria and fly larve implanted in my chest, which were my sons' contributions. He said he'd normally rule out the spider bite except that I did have one bullseye area that looked like it could have been a bite. He gave me some cream to put on it and after only 12 hours there is already a marked difference!! He said if it was a Brown Recluse, then I am very lucky as it seems to not have had a severe reaction going on. He thought it was too long of a time for the monitor leads, in his opinion and it didn't look at all like an allergic reaction to meds.

So... mystery solved, sorta! :) I'm just glad it's getting better so quickly. I was afraid for my boingo.

He did prescribe an antibiotic because my temp was a wee bit elevated and wanted to hit the strep where it hurts if it was trying to settle in.

What a nice dr!