Questions you've always wanted to ask.......???

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Bonzo Dog

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
West Yorkshire, UK
Can I please float some of the puzzling things in life?
Please contribute any answers either sensible or silly and feel free ask any other questions.

The old favourite as a starter

Q. Why does toast always fall buttered side down?

Q. Did Adam and Eve have navels and if so how did they get there?

Q. What happens if parents refuse to give their newborn a name?

Q. Why do blondes dye their roots black?
Bina stole my answer! Bina stole my answer!

navels - if Adam had one, then God must have one, too. That 'in the image' thing, you know. So guess who put it there. Now how did God get one?

If parents refuse to give their child a name, they he/she shall become known as Nameless!

Blondes have black roots to start with, the rest is unnatural. Pretty, tho.

Hot dogs - two left over for those on a diet.

next question?
No, No No you two.
The extra two hot Dogs are not for the dog but for you when you need a snack or when your getting the other Hot Dogs ready for supper

And Bina.......don't "ewww" you started this question :p
Q. I've read about people having 'lifes' (though not on here, obviously). Are they everything they're cracked up to be and do I need one?
Bonzo Dog said:
Q. I've read about people having 'lifes' (though not on here, obviously). Are they everything they're cracked up to be and do I need one?

Answer: Yes. But they seem to be hung up in the vortex.....HELP...I've logged on and I can't log off:p
Real answer to third question - When I worked for the prison system, one of my duties was to input prescriptions into the system (and I never made mistakes!). The inmates were known by their numbers and last names, but the system held their birth certificate information. I was amazed at how many of the inmates were legally known as Baby Boy Washington, Baby Boy Smith, etc.
cooker said:
Not so fast...seems like keeping the paddle under lock and key might just be a little more punishment for you:cool: :cool: :cool:

Bina said:
Drat, the chimp is smarter than he looks.....:p

Q. Is a front for a N. American S&M dungeon? (I could emigrate;) )

Q. Why is bird poo nearly always white?
cooker said:
I can't watch some video from my work system...I'll check it out when I get home....Always good to be thought about....I hope:eek: ;)
You just got owned!
njean said:
Hey Cooker -- you weren't in Orlando Fl yesterday by any chance?? :D

Saw this, laughed & thought of you! :D :)

Norma....God bless you:) have help us locate our cousin Boaz.....he has been missing for several weeks......He wandered away from the exclusive care center "ShimpShimpSheree" in Ft Lauderdale......He has needed full time care every since the tragic circus accident when he filled in for the guy that gets shot out of the canon:eek: ....we begged him not to do it but that's the kind of monk he is....a team player....the folks at the home are thrilled to have him home....he calls the numbers on bingo night:D :D .....again, many thanks.