questions to ask surgeon

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I am confused about where to search for the messages. I think I put this in the other day, but I don't know where to look. I think this will show up on Heart Talk. I will be seeing the surgeon Thrusday about surgery. I hope he does not want to proceed right away. I have the 5 blocked arteries and the aortic valve. The valve is 0.9/0.8 and the arteries are 70% except one brance off the LAD is higher and it can't be stented. I am being told that I am having too many symptoms. The dr thinks the valve plays off the arteries. I was at Johns Hopkins and now I am at Mayo in Jacksonville because I moved in Feb. I will be seeing Dr. Lawrance McBride. Has anyone heard of him. I think he does heart transplants as well as valves and arteries. I need to know some questions to ask him. New symptoms that I have been having besides the chest pain and jaw is fullness in chest , balance and extreme fatigue that can last. Also, did anyone have a hard heartbeat that takes your breath?
Somebody help this lady out, I would but I am not qualified.
well there you go sahe's got a different screen name hope this helps you Marilyn
To rachel-howell

To rachel-howell

I want to thank you for answering me. I have really been confused about how to use the forum. I hope I do it right the next time. I will ask the things you told me to. I am concerned about doing so much surgery at once. This is the first time I have ever met with any surgeon, so I wanted to find out what is important. If it is ok, I will probably be asking a lot of questions about surgery. Thanks again! Marilyn
having surgery

having surgery

Thanks again Rachel for helping me. It was good to talk to you! I was wondering if anyone can tell me things to take to a hospital and anyother information I should tell a surgeon when I see him before the operation. I have been told that I need surgery right away.
marilyn said:
Thanks again Rachel for helping me. It was good to talk to you! I was wondering if anyone can tell me things to take to a hospital and anyother information I should tell a surgeon when I see him before the operation. I have been told that I need surgery right away.

here is a thread of things to take to the hospital suggestions (is there a way to get this somewhere easy to find?, Lyn


Dear Lyn,
Thanks for the post. I have printed out the information and plan to get it together tomorrow. I may have to go in Wed. It really helps to have information.


I am going into the hospital Tuesday, August 22 and the surgery will be Wed. I have waited too long to start going somewhere else. Since the ER situation, I have to be quiet most of the time and wait for surgery. Anymore symptoms I am suppose to call 911. I have been doing pretty good today. I so appreciate your help and calls. The support is so wonderful.
Hi Marilyn...

I think you deserve to pamper yourself this week...and try to keep that upcoming surgery as far away from your thoughts as possible...It has to be overwhelming to learn you need this done and quite soon...I was lucky , I had a few months to get used to the idea but once I booked it I went into panic-mode for a few days until I settled down again with the help of some valium :eek: ...

I also got a by-pass an hour or two after my AVR and aneurysm replacement...others here have had double or triple by-passes & probably even more (my memory is dodgy) and some of these have been done at the same time as their AVR...just makes it easier on the patient cos youre already opened-up and drugged-out etc...

Remember you can ask us anything and call on us anytime, thats what we are here for...

I packed just the usual PJ's and toiletries for my hospital stay, and a clock cos I like to know what the time is when I wake in the middle of the night.

Now dont forget to spoil yourself this week as you wont be feeling up to it for a little while after your surgery and food will be pretty ordinary too.
aussigal said:
Hi Marilyn...

I think you deserve to pamper yourself this week...and try to keep that upcoming surgery as far away from your thoughts as possible...It has to be overwhelming to learn you need this done and quite soon...I was lucky , I had a few months to get used to the idea but once I booked it I went into panic-mode for a few days until I settled down again with the help of some valium :eek: ...

I also got a by-pass an hour or two after my AVR and aneurysm replacement...others here have had double or triple by-passes & probably even more (my memory is dodgy) and some of these have been done at the same time as their AVR...just makes it easier on the patient cos youre already opened-up and drugged-out etc...

Remember you can ask us anything and call on us anytime, thats what we are here for...

I packed just the usual PJ's and toiletries for my hospital stay, and a clock cos I like to know what the time is when I wake in the middle of the night.

Now dont forget to spoil yourself this week as you wont be feeling up to it for a little while after your surgery and food will be pretty ordinary too.

I agree with Aussiegurl. Go pamper yourself one day this week at a spa or salon and then go buy something you always wanted but don't really need as a get well gift for yourself. I bought myself a new Rod and Reel that was quite expensive to add to my other tons of gear and it sure made me feel good. I brought it home and my sons started begging to use it. Good Luck
Rachel_Howell, Randy L, Aussugal

Rachel_Howell, Randy L, Aussugal

Thanks for the kind words. I am actually starting to get scared and getting in the mind set wondering if I really need this surgery. I know it sounds rediculous, but I would like to cancel. Did you get into this thought process? I still can't believe that I am doing it. I guess I have been lucky being so healthy and been able to work at what I love and exercise - it was just a shock when he said SUDDEN DEATH AT ANYTIME. Was that just to scare me, or did he really mean it. As you can see, I am not doing to well. I am like a owl and I don't get tired. I think I have been getting about 3 hours a night since the operation satement. I am not tired either. Did any of you have trouble eating with symptoms? I seem to be losing weight. I can not thank you enough for posting to me.


I forgot to ask you. I have not been able to find anyone who has had the aortic valve and arteries. I have 5 that have to be done. Is the recovery longer? How about the leg.


I think that I messed up an message to you. I hope that I sent you message thanking for your phone calls and all the help you tried to give me. I am so grateful to know that people like you are on the Earth. This site is the best thing that I have ever seen.
marilyn said:
Thanks for the kind words. I am actually starting to get scared and getting in the mind set wondering if I really need this surgery. I know it sounds rediculous, but I would like to cancel. Did you get into this thought process? I still can't believe that I am doing it. I guess I have been lucky being so healthy and been able to work at what I love and exercise - it was just a shock when he said SUDDEN DEATH AT ANYTIME. Was that just to scare me, or did he really mean it. As you can see, I am not doing to well. I am like a owl and I don't get tired. I think I have been getting about 3 hours a night since the operation satement. I am not tired either. Did any of you have trouble eating with symptoms? I seem to be losing weight. I can not thank you enough for posting to me.

You will be fine. I had a fellow with triple bypass and heart attack in the hospital with me. Believe it or not he went home before me. Doctors don't say Sudden Death to scare you , they mean it. You will have your surgery, recover in 5-6 days and go home feeeling much better. Please do not be afraid because as you can see everybody on this forum has recovered from this illness and you will too.Todays modern medicine is is 99% effective and those are great odds. When are you going in for the procedure? Please feel free to PM me if you have anymore questions or need some plain old support. I am here for you.
I am also new here - so I do not have the knowledge that these other great people possess. I will say - many here have been through this process - they have a wealth of great information for you. I would listen to any and all advice and then discusss it with your doctor. I am sure that anyone is anxious before surgery - just keep telling yourself how much better your body and mind will feel when you are better. We will all be routing for you!
Randy L

Randy L

I go into the hospital next Tuesday, August 22 for a cath and a TEE. I have never had a TEE. I welcome any information. Thanks.


Believe me, I want your help and advice. Call me anytime that you can. I so appreciate all of the help. I think you are right,because I am having a lot of trouble with pressure and breathing. I think that is taking my appetite away. It is hard to talk at times. I have a lot of pressure on my chest. I have 3 days left. Please do not ever think that I do not want your support. This site has helped me so much.


I know that you are right about everyone being anxious before surgery. I should accept what is going to happen, but I seem to be fighting it inside. The people on this site are wonderful. Thanks for posting to me.

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