Deanne - no need to apologise. I always feel like I should know more but don't seem to retain the information I have read. And I certainly have been unable to explain what I have read/heard/learned to anyone else, especially my husband. I am getting no help from him in the research department. Probably because he doesn't feel the need to control this. He'd rather leave it up to the docs. Not me! I hear ya about not trusting 100%! Now that I know what I know, I feel the same way.
I think alot of the CHD surgeons dealing with complex CHDs probably don't spend alot of time discussing the various valves ect, because out of ALL they do in the orginal surgery/surgeries the valve is a pretty small part of it. It amazes me how they are able to do so much work on newborns and toddlers especially when you consider they are working on a heart the size of a walnut, I can't imagine how teeny tiny all the parts must be let alone the stitches. Do you really understands the 4 parts that make up TOF and what the surgeries do? I had the hardest time wrapping my brain around exactly what they did to Justin's heart when they rebuilt alot of things and rerouted the blood,(during his 2nd surgery the Rastelli) I knew all the words for his defects and what they did in the OR but couldn't really understand comletely what that meant until I looked at the diagrams over and over (and compared them to a "normal" heart. but there is a really good book that explains alot of the CHDs and surgeries available that was written for parents and adults with CHD to understand. Altho alot the surgeons modify the repairs for individual heart (like Justin's had a "modified Rastelli" )so Chris heart probably doesn't look exactly like the diagrams, but if you are interested they are a good place to start. I think they are out of copies right now, but you can read and download it or the chapters you need online, My husband actually carried a copy in his work bag because he found it easier to explain what needed done to people with the book.