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Do any of you have problems with eyes feel as if they are pulsing like you can feel a heartbeat in your eyes? This is very strange and has happened a few times. Will run it by my cardiologist on next visit..Alicia
I went to an ophthamologist this summer for a number of reasons, some heart related. One of the side effects of the amiodarone I was on was vision, so I had that tested. He found no evidence in my eyes of Marfans.
But no pulsing in my eyes, although I've felt my heart beat many other places..
Pulse in Eye

Pulse in Eye

Hi! I am new in posting here. I wanted to let you know that I have felt that sensation. I have noticed it on and off for years. Even before ever being diagnosed with AI. Mostly in my left eye. It usually happened when I was focusing on something light. It was like I could see/feel my pulse in my eye. For years I never thought anything of it because I suffer from anxiety and always thought I was just noticing something most people don't. I did notice that I haven't noticed it since my doctor put my on atenalol. I have seen doctors and had my eyes checked on schedule and have never been told there was a problem with my eyes. I think it was because my heart was beating so hard that I could sense the pulsation in my eye, but I really don't know for sure. It didn't happen all the time. Just once in awhile. If you find out anything, let me know.

Take Care!


I had this problem... but I was having headaches at the same time. And my eyes would be very light sensitive. My cardio sent me to an eye specialist. He checked all the Marfan?s stuff, etc. He said there was no sign of Marfan's characteristics in my eyes and that it was the headaches causing my eyes to hurt and pulsate, not vice versa.

Not sure if that's anything like you are having, but I can certainly feel the pulsating when it happens.

I have only noticed my heart pulsating in my eyes since I had my mechanical valve. I didn't notice it at all with my porcine.
I remember when I was being checked over in the hospital by the residents before my surgery, they checked my eyes and noted that they could see the iris pulse at that time.

I am glad I was not alone in this and not seeing things because when I have told people that I could "see" the valve pulsating through my eyes they find that hard to believe.
My first valve was a Sultzer Carbomedics, and I also could "see" it pulsating through my eyes. I was telling my husband this while we were watching TV during the first week that I had that valve, and he couldn't believe it! But it was true!
Within eleven days after my first AVR, the surgery had to be redone. A St. Jude's mechanical was implanted and I don't have this pulsating problem. This one is not loud either. Can't hear it to be honest! It must be ticking because I am here and feeling just fine.
Just thought to share this and to let you know you are not "seeing" things.

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
Aortic Stenosis