Question - Travel

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Hello everyone!

I have a question, and need some advice.

Prior to my husbands surgery October 3rd, we had decided to get in a bit of traveling. (We had not had a week off in ten years.) So, we went to Europe (Italy and France) on three separate occasions. On his life's list of "things to do", now, he would like to return to France. For those of you who know us, he is in CHF, has a-fib, and in general fatigues easily, retains fluid, etc. He is on beta blockers, dieretics, etc.

This weekend, we left on Saturday, and went to a B&B about 2-1/2 hours away. I drove. We had a lovely, short weekend. (celebrated our 33rd wedding aniversary). When we returned home, his feet were swollen (5lb. gain), and he was very very tired. (He is also anemic.....remember he recently had gross hematuria.)

I am concerned about flying. And yet, when I read posts here, I see that Rob flies often, and it appears that lots of you go to the reunions.

So my question is.......has anyone had problems with flying (I am worried about blood clots/etc.) - and when did you start traveling after surgery? I really don't think he is ready for anything like a trip to Europe, but I was hoping that maybe a trip by plane for 2-1/2 hours to Florida. Info from all of you wouold be appreciated. I am just not convinced that he is ready yet.

Hi Marybeth,

It is true that I fly often, However, I do not have CHF.

I had an ascending aortic dissection, and thus my mechanical heart valve. My heart is fine, it's the plumbing out of it that was the problem.

I think you really need some advice and comments from those that do have CHF issues.

Another good resource board to ask this question is on WebMD.

The site address is:

You may have to register your name to post, but it is free.

I hope you both get to travel and continue to dream of future trips to take.

Hi Marybeth-

Because CHF is so very, very tricky to control, I would run it by the cardiologist. When you are far away from familiar doctors and hospitals with the foreign language barriers, if Wayne were to run into problems, it would make it that much more difficult.

For foreign travel, if it were Joe and I, (he has CHF, but it's tightly controlled now)I'd ask the cardiologist for a whole protocol, i.e., what should Wayne do with a 3 lb. gain, a 5 lb. gain, a 10 lb. gain, God forbid. You should know the proper dosages for all of these scenarios and have filled scrips for whatever diuretics he might need. You should also ask if you have to monitor his breathing volumes, oxygen level, blood pressure, etc. You should also have the names of some local cardiologists if they are needed. Foreign food could pose problems with sodium, etc. Also, you need to find out about Coumadin testing. It's better to be safe than sorry. Definitely find out about insurance coverage, and if the local doctors, hospitals would accept it, or would need cash in advance.

I think it's a good idea to try out USA travel first, but some of the above might still apply.

It's so important to do the things that are your heart's desires, even if it needs to be structured differently.

Good luck
Dear Nancy....

Thanks for the very good advice. I hand't thought about getting advance scripts., etc.

I agree with you.........we alsmost try to do our hearts' desires, and if there is any way we can do it, when he is closer to being ready, we will do it. We have a TON of mileage accrued, so the plane trip won';t cost anything. I'll have to check into how much mileage for first class as well.

We will have a long coversation with the cardiologist about this soon.

