Question Strictly For The Guy's! It May Gross Out You Ladies!

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My husband had a cystoscopy and you would have thought that he was being ripped apart by wild dogs from the amount of whinning and moaning.

What was that old Joan Rivers bit about men thinking that courage means going off to war, but real courage is making a gynecologist appointment. . . . and keeping it.

Al- I hope all turns out well for you and I know you will face it like a man. I am sure it will be uncomfortable, but you'll feel better knowing that the troubles are cleared up.
I like Ross because he has a great bod, a nice car, and he the head of a troll. Plus, a heart of gold!
For Ross

For Ross

If you are talking about TUR then it is easily explained:
My advice is to talk to the doctor about some serious
pain killer in advance of the procedure!
Perhaps you could do a pole of the women here.

Which is worse- Heart valve surgery or pregnancy?
We already know which one is more dangerous.
I have my own pole results, but I would be very interested
in what the females here, had to say.
"Come on men, let us proceed to the couch to watch football, grunt, and scratch ourselves."

Here! Here!
Any One Seen The Remote?


If yall wouldn't scratch yourselves so much..maybe you wouldn't have those minor problems down there.:p :p :p Ever heard of Gold Bond?:D Labor pains are worse than Open-heart surgery. (pain)..but have to take a few days more to recoup from VR..where we Mother's are back on our feet in 24 hours caring for a newborn and other kids and housework and cooking. Zero sleep..where you guys can nap, nap, nap and scratch:p Bonnie

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