Question Strictly For The Guy's! It May Gross Out You Ladies!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Why do women post titles like this when they know it attracts us like flies? Kind of like, "Men stay out" do they really think we listen? :D
Here's my question for GUYS ONLY:

Just how *uncomfortable* is a Cystoscopy Procedure?

Anyone care to describe the procedure and it's aftereffects?

My Card says I need to follow through even though my symptoms (blood in my urine) have cleared, just to see if there is an observable cause for that 'event' when my INR spiked.

Thank you so much, Ross, for posting an opposition thread!

I have no idea what a "Cystoscopy Procedure" is, and I probably don't want to know. I still give shivers when I remember my high school shop teacher describing a procedure he had done, which involved the use of the word ream.
MelissaM said:
Of course not - hee hee. We just want to lure you in and THEN gross you out. :D

Mostly in retribution for all of that scratching, burping and flatulating you men do. . . :D (Although I've heard men with worked-on valves do much less of this. . .)
Ah ha, I see that it proves my point. This thread attracts females which means that we Men who scratch ourselves, are not the only ones lured by thread titles like these. :D
Al I had one done when I was 4 years old. Back then they put you out to do it. The only thing I can tell you is that it burnt like fire to urinate afterwards. I also had bleeding accompanied with it for about 3 days if I remember correctly.

I looked at Harvards health site and this is what they had to say, of course you need to click the link and do some reading:

Looks like they numb you pretty good to minimize discomfort and if they decide to biopsy something, they may put you out altogether.
Thanks for the reference Ross !

I'm visualizing that 'tube about the size of a pencil' being inserted into my 'male member'... :eek:

No wonder my Cardiologist said he would opt to go off Coumadin, although he agreed to let the Urologist make the call. If any polyps need to be cut or cauterized however, he recommended going on Lovenox for 3 days prior to the (repeat) procedure.

Something to think about for sure !

Anyone else care to share their experience?

you are just TOO FUNNY FOR WORDS!!!!!!! only you would do this!!!

naturally a cystoscopy for women is quite different than for men.
my girlfriend, who had major kidney issues as a kid, just had blood in her urine and needed to have one done.
she, too, said that it is very different today. she did not find it to be unbearable, but she said it was not comfortable.
i think they just gave her some local anesthetic.

although i can't say for sure....your case, however, being a male, reminds me (and gives me the "heeby-jeebies") of when joey , post-surgery, was unable to urinate after the removal of the catheter. they had to reinsert another catheter and he said he saw stars.
the thought of it makes my skin crawl (and i'm sure yours too!)

things have come such a long way today medically, i imagine they would give you a local before performing any of that.
please let us know how it goes.
alll the best, sylvia
I'll tell ya what Sylvia, when a man has to go and can't, whether we see stars or not is irrelevent. I was in tears I had to go so bad. They thought I was kidding. They put the evil thing in again just for that particular drain and I filled the urinal for them. They didn't ask questions after that. I hate Foley's with a passion, but man, it beats blowing up cause you can't go.
Men are Whimps

Men are Whimps

Try having a baby..:p :p Yall worry about a little proceduce involving your male parts and we women have 6-10 lbs. babies coming out of us..and in pain for up to 12 hours..:eek: :eek: :eek: Women are the stronger sex..:p :p :p :p :p :p Bonnie


I really have to do some acting to show my spouse some sympathy when he's moaning and groaning about cramps due to diarrhea. ohpoorbabyican'timaginehowbadyoufeel. Oh, that's right - I used to have these monsters every month - and you can imagine how much sympathy I got.:eek: :eek: :eek:
Awe quite your whining women, you'd enjoyed making them every bit as much as we did, so deal with it! :D

Come on men, let us proceed to the couch to watch football, grunt, and scratch ourselves.
Mostly in retribution for all of that scratching, burping and flatulating you men do. . . (Although I've heard men with worked-on valves do much less of this. . .)

Not sure my wife would agree with that.
But I keep telling her it's not my fault, it has to be in her cooking:D

And I never said 'Lets have a baby'!!
I do have to comment though, the few times I was in the labor room I learned words that I never knew existed and no they wern't nice words.

I did have a test done last year by my urologist.
I don't know the name of the test but it was to look for bladder infection.
It consisted of sticking that pencil size tube up there, pumping the bladder full of fluid and trying to hold it for about five minutes.
It was extremely uncomfortable but there was no sedation or stopping Coumadin.
Yes girls we have our own little fun things to deal with but we just don't talk about them very often.


How were you able to get in Labor room when your wife was having her baby:confused: When I had my 2..NO one was allowed back there. In 1967 and 1969.. I laid back there for 12 hours..alone with Cookie..(Never forget her (nurse) name. Could hear women screaming..:eek: :eek: :eek: When my doctor came strolling in:mad: :mad: :mad: about the 10th hour..he said. oh, do you need something for pain and I yelled. S__t..yes. If I could have gotten my hands on Hubby..would have strangled him...:D :D :D Bonnie
Oh Bonnie that stinks. I was in the labor and delivery rooms for all 3 of my boys arrivals. I didn't get called any names, but Lyn crushed my hand pretty good with one of them.


You are right, with our first two in '62 and '66 I was not allowed in there(thankfully).
But in '74 with our last one I was asked to go in there,yikes!!
Hey There Ross!

Hey There Ross!

I just wanted to warn all you guys, ahead of time, that there would be some pretty gross things being said in the thread I started. Enter at your own risk. I know how squeemish you guys can be....LOL:D But I have to admit, you guys have plenty of gross things to deal with as well.

Take Care All!
Re: Hey There Ross!

Re: Hey There Ross!

Creed3 said:
I just wanted to warn all you guys, ahead of time, that there would be some pretty gross things being said in the thread I started. Enter at your own risk. I know how squeemish you guys can be....LOL:D But I have to admit, you guys have plenty of gross things to deal with as well.

Take Care All!
Oh I'm well aware of what you were doing. You were settin up one of them thar female male traps and it worked. I set one up myself here and it works pretty good too! :D
Me, too. . .

Me, too. . .

Al, I had the "cystoscopy experience" about 2 years ago. The actual procedure wasn't very memorable, as they put me under a general for it. What was memorable was the week during which I had to wear the Foley and leg bag, because I was unable to urinate due to swelling. There are two types of scopes used, depending upon what they expect to need to do. The older, rigid scope is larger in diameter but they can insert lots of different instruments through it. The newer, flexible scopes are smaller diameter, and mostly used for exploratory stuff. Hope you get the latter, I had the former.
When a person can't urinate it is miserable. I have seen many thankful men when a catheter is inserted and the pressure is relieved. My husband has had problems with kidney stones and has had both invasive and non-invasive surgeries for them. I have catherized him both while in the hospital and at home. When someone is in that state the catheter is a blessing.

Years ago the outpatient surgery dept. was adjacent to our ER and sometimes the ER nurses helped with the procedures. I think every male cystoscopy I ever helped with not only had IV sedation but also beforehand had Lidocaine or something similar inserted in the meatus (opening) to numb things up.

Al, it probably won't be too bad but sometimes you can have some bleeding and some little clots. If you feel like you can't urinate don't wait too long before you go get help.

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